My oh my...been such a long time, yet again, and my wife asked me why I even have this account if I never update. After some thought, I hvae reasons why I don't come to SG all that often. A) It's highly not allowed at work...they don't like the idea of government computers being used to look at naked girls. B) I'm always worried that...
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Well well well...I finally read my last post, and lo and behold, it's the middle of February, just like I said, and things are indeed slowly slowing down. Come the beginning of March, training cycle will be over, and dammit, I'm taking a fucking break from being the go-to-guy for this damn ship. I think a trip to Maui and a trip to Vegas are...
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You really need to update pookie titts!
I know...it's been forever and a day. I've been a busy little man, and finally, I have gotten my damn ESWS pinned on my damn chest...and then pinned and pinned...biggrin All in all, things are getting much better, and by the middle of February, they should be much less busy, too...I hope. SO that's all in the land of Jeff for now.
...Yeah, there's gonna be some "I told you so's" when this is done.

Someone once told me that new clothes and the like really can make you feel happier, more up-beat, have a brighter outlook on life, etc. Well, I've always been the sort of guy who can survive and thrive off the same shirts and few jeans/pants for months if not a year. I...
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have fun bein' older
Lol, I can feel the wrinkles forming already.
SO I'm finally making progress on the picking of the girls that shall adorn my little piece of the pie. One left, which I declare shall be chosen tonight. SO help me, I will sit here and look at naked girls ALL NIGHT if I must. Ciao for now.
Bah...I have to repick my favorite SG's, and now I've been here long enough to be required to put some thought in to it. Damn. And damn busy schedules and the like, too.
thanks for the birfday wishes! biggrin
Less talk more picking and searching for the favs! LOL kiss
I had a thought in the car...I don't really...yeah, I know where it came from. I was thinking about the fact that I can be perfectly content with little conversation between me and my wife. All I need is physical contact. To me, a touch here, a caress there, is my way of showing my love, a way of showing with a simple gesture, or...
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Oh screw it...I've stolen a survey dealy, but what the hell...hope you don't mind, Mel.

() I've Never Been Drunk
() I've Never Smoked Pot
() I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
() I've Never Been To Japan
() I've Never Been In A Taxi...
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fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck...and damn all stupid angsty whiny little bitches to hell...and fortunately, none of the people I'm talking about are on SG...
On another note,

Good night, everyone.

A pirate's life for me.
Only one thing to say...Oy Vey...and if it's spelled wrong, or you're rubbed wrong by the rhyme...bugger off.
"Poop, poop, and more poop." ~ Murcow

Yes, that's an actual quote. He's the poopmaster. One of the most random people I know. Anyways, I got the duty blues, the wife is at home with the relapsed head-cold blues, and my friend here beside me has the "quick-ass-girl-or-marriage-material-girl" decision making blues. It's a blue Monday. Yes, you can hate me for that.

Good night, all.
yes. I was in the navy about 3 years ago as an AT. Now I am getting married to a EM1(SS)
hahaha a boomer guy! when he goes back to sea it is going to suck! oh well. how was you day/night? Anything cool every happen there? besides the spam... puke heheh hip hop huh...DAMMIT! kisses! kiss
He's so not the poop master! Either way I'm feeling much better. I think I just need to take it easy for another day or two. I think pushing myself is what's killing me babe. Any who, back to more bed rest! (the NyQuil is kicking in! MUHAHAHAHA!)
*sigh* I'm going back to work tomorrow after a wonderfully long 4 day weekend. But I go back with more power than before. And hopefully I'll be able to make a difference with that. G'night, all.
oh and I freaking love system of a down fucking more than anything! But yes I agree the older stuff is WAY better! Kinda pissed about releasing the hypnotize and mezmerize at different times! I love the self titled ablum the most. kiss
Welcome to Hawaii!!