Today i didn't felt like posting a picture of me. Today I want to pay tribute to one of many more. I want to pay respect to George Floyd and share his name, his memory.
Last week has been crazy. We're finally seeing what racism is like, we finally see it's consequences, thanks to social media.
And it's enough. I'm fed up to see black people getting harassed, killed, losing family members and friends just for the color of their skin.
In France too Police is getting way too violent against black people. How many victims are being silenced, forgotten?
It's been time for black folks to stand up against these violence and for white allies to support them. Not by speaking in their names, but by protecting them during the protest, supporting their cause. And that's what I wanna do.
Here you'll find a list of petitions and donation you can help because you CAN make a difference, you CAN be an ally. We need to fight together more than ever. It's not black against white it's everyone against racism. Let's make a change!