Its a crappy feeling for me.not being able to find work. Filling out applications left and right. It never fails. Maybe its just not my time to be at ease.
moving into my new apartment in about a week. super excited for this.
Been eating super healthy lately. And i am so excited for x mas. 

I moved upstate ny a few weeks ago. Now im thinkin i like rochester alittle more.
Move to the Bronx 

Lol that not really the place i want to be.
Got my tats pierced bor my bday
nice!!! upload some pics 

That's a nice thing to do for yourself on your big day
Have a very happy birthday
Have a very happy birthday
Holy crazy week. It was. My best friends birthday. So i got him roses. Cheesy ik but thatsvalright. I love this guy to death. But anyways. I love my new job. Its awesome. I get to wear costumes and wigs to work. I dropped the bottles of glitter yesterday. I looke like a fuckin pixie. Glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts.
hahaha sparkling herpes lol

Busy few days. I finally got my job at rickys nyc. Im not looking forward to working 12 hour days but im happy about the cash flow.
congrats on the new job 

Good morning sumshine. Im in the mood for some faygo!
I'm in the mood for some lovin
Something tells me you'll get that faygo first (ha ha)
Something tells me you'll get that faygo first (ha ha)
Icp lol.
I love how certain musoc completly changes my mood. I watched one of radeo's videos. The one with m83. I have no idea what the song is called but it was one of thegreatest things ive ever seen. Talk about definition of beauty. 

Long 9 hour day. But ive decided on getting my nipples done for my 20th birthday. I think itll be a good deal.