Why doesn't it feel like a Friday?
It's pretty quiet around here, minus Kara's usual antics, she's quite a little firecracker.
I should probably have taken my butt to the gym but, I'm going to do some workouts while she naps...hopefully I won't lose motivation. Though I am making Matt go with me to the gym so he can teach my how to squat properly. If I do it by myself I'll most likely pull something lol. I want a better butt so I'm going to try and make the commitment to the gym like I used to since Matt's back to working days and Kara and I have nothing to do.
Matt and I are getting married at the end of the month........scary. Marriage is way more intimidating than you think...I'm excited but, part of me can't wait till it's over so I can stop worrying.
I also spent my morning spending some money on myself....shhhh! Of course, Fredericks of Hollywood sends me an email for every sale they have. Which is like 1 every 2 days....sometimes I wonder how they make money but, I suppose people (like me) jump all over the deals like white on rice.
Randomly, my hair is red now
Which I love, I fully intend on keeping it this way for a while. Who doesn't love a red head? lol. I finally gave into my hairs desires, the older I get the more red it gets like my mother's. Makes me wonder if my little blonde baby will end up with red hair like mine and her grandma's.
I figure I'll post some recent pictures, I've got some sweet ones of my push up bra too.
I think my boobs look awesome, but you can be the judge.
And yes, they're real. I get asked that alot.

It's pretty quiet around here, minus Kara's usual antics, she's quite a little firecracker.
I should probably have taken my butt to the gym but, I'm going to do some workouts while she naps...hopefully I won't lose motivation. Though I am making Matt go with me to the gym so he can teach my how to squat properly. If I do it by myself I'll most likely pull something lol. I want a better butt so I'm going to try and make the commitment to the gym like I used to since Matt's back to working days and Kara and I have nothing to do.
Matt and I are getting married at the end of the month........scary. Marriage is way more intimidating than you think...I'm excited but, part of me can't wait till it's over so I can stop worrying.
I also spent my morning spending some money on myself....shhhh! Of course, Fredericks of Hollywood sends me an email for every sale they have. Which is like 1 every 2 days....sometimes I wonder how they make money but, I suppose people (like me) jump all over the deals like white on rice.
Randomly, my hair is red now

I figure I'll post some recent pictures, I've got some sweet ones of my push up bra too.

And yes, they're real. I get asked that alot.

That is the thing about getting married you will be stressed but its being with the person you love that will help you over conquer your fears and help you through the bad. Hope things will continue to get good for you and lovely bra your boobs do look lovely
and i believe that they are real

I agree! It's worth it in the end!