Got talked into doing my profile by suffocating_lux. She seems amused by it. No picture as yet. Not having a good hair week so its off to my hairdresser again. Pooey. Half my life savings go to my lil hairdresser and half the time, its never what I imagined it to be.

I finally saw Ken Park on the weekend. Overated yes, but I can...
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hey there.. glad you got your profile up and running now.. anyways, whe you get a chance come by the SG Australasia group and say hi..

catch ya round..
hi baby smile
when we get back i promise we can drink passion pop together and you can touch my boobs too hehe!!
actually i do wanna go out when we get back, last time was fun! it was suprising really and maybe surreal will be back and kicking and we might even win the grand they keep fucking messaging me about i wish i hadnt joined up hopefully it will pay off and we can get it cheap or something.
hahaha im watching today tonite and there are kids smoking coke bottle bongs in the toilets and their school ha! i love trashy today tonite
yeah it sucks heaps you cant come to melbourne hey frown i reckon we should stick to tradition and go over summer tho its always fun! damn work u poor lil chookie.
ill buy u a present! cos toby aint getting one so you can have one instead itll be fun!
how hot is katie?! i love her shes great! fucking mad as tattoos they kinda scare me i thought they were fake when i first saw them. i couldnt have tattoos like that kinda scary. and ouchy wouchy too. and scabby!
see ya round, we will get retarded smile xoxo