ruth came down on friday for ali's birthday and to see strung out. ali's b'day was fun, except at the end when her lip piercing fell out and she had to go home we had sandwiches and choccie crackles. Strung out were pretty good. the frontman sweated like nothing else. he was worse than pat rafter. ruth and i were hanging out the window waving to the roadie with a vid camera. he later asked if we wanted to go backstage after the show which was nice. but in the end we wanted beer so we went out. met some pretty fun people thru the night. time flew and stumbled thru the door around sunrise.
ruthies leaving us again on tuesday. i miss having her here.
ruthies leaving us again on tuesday. i miss having her here.
it made him the most unattractive man i've encountered. ick
i think everyone was sweatty that night
i got covered in everyone elses sweat