It's been just over a month since I hurt myself....
sitting at home is driving me crazy....
this is what I have accomplished so far.....
I have finished 4 books(I have 2 other on the go as we speak)....
I have done 2 drawings....
I have discovered many new bands that I adore....
I have written in my Journal 5 times (which doesn't seem like much but before this month i hadn't written a single thing for almost a year)...
I organized my paperwork....
I have made great progress on my crosstich picture...
I have watched at least 35 movies( some new some old)
I have become addicted to facebook and late night tv...
I have learned to nap twice daily....
I have made a new friend and got to visit with a few good old friends....
I have realized how much my work has become a part of me and how much a miss it....
I just hope my clients are still waiting for me when I get back.
Exciting note.... I walked with my cane through an entire grocery shopping trip, It's almost killed me, But I did it!!!!! It's progress anyways.
Hopfully I will be back at work by June!
sitting at home is driving me crazy....
this is what I have accomplished so far.....
I have finished 4 books(I have 2 other on the go as we speak)....
I have done 2 drawings....
I have discovered many new bands that I adore....
I have written in my Journal 5 times (which doesn't seem like much but before this month i hadn't written a single thing for almost a year)...
I organized my paperwork....
I have made great progress on my crosstich picture...
I have watched at least 35 movies( some new some old)
I have become addicted to facebook and late night tv...
I have learned to nap twice daily....
I have made a new friend and got to visit with a few good old friends....
I have realized how much my work has become a part of me and how much a miss it....
I just hope my clients are still waiting for me when I get back.
Exciting note.... I walked with my cane through an entire grocery shopping trip, It's almost killed me, But I did it!!!!! It's progress anyways.
Hopfully I will be back at work by June!

i talked to terry online las night ...
im sending you both much love. i miss you guys.