There are over 650,000 hours of shows currently on streaming networks. In these crazy times it helps to have recommendations to take the stress out of trying to find something you want to watch. Here is what I can solidly recommend on Netflix. Will try to post similar lists over the next few days for Amazon, Hulu, Disney +, and Shudder. I think we could share lists of streams, books, games, classes, YouTube, spotify playlists, etc. with #heroesshare 😘 Stay safe and cozy!

Richard Farnsworth was a favorite for me too, he was perfect for that role. He brought a quiet kindness and decency to the part, brought a lot of emotion to his performance in an understated way. I will have to give the recent adaptation a try. When that first came out I was a little hesitant to watch it due to my love for the original series. It does look beautiful from the clips I have seen.
@missy highly recommend Hunters on amazon prime ! So so good !