This video is disturbing but it shows what goes into gummy treats...
What a great -- and incredibly dishonest -- propaganda film. The entire process of butchering and preparing meat for market is part of making gummy candies? I don't think so. The part with them cutting the fat from the skin was particularly disturbing, but it has nothing to do with making gelatin, which is the only meat ingredient in gummy candies. Animals will continue to be slaughtered by the thousands every day, and they will continue to be raised on factory farms in inhumane conditions. The process of slaughtering animals and cutting meat will always be gross to people who do not produce meat for a living. But the parts of the animal that are used in making gelatin, i.e., skin, tendons, bones, and horns, would just be thrown out if nobody made gelatin. It is a useful product, and no additional animals are killed to make it.
I'd love to say I was always vegan.