Today...I feel scaredI feel betrayedI feel angryI feel confused.Power and control is the way you will rule.Keep people in fear, subservient, poor and undervalued. Unconfident and unaware. Scared.You have 4 more years of that.You will destroy your system from the insideWe will be focused on building a better way.We have 4 years to rally.We are loveWe are progress andWe are tired of playing your stacked deck.You are the minority.We, the marginalized - Women, African Americans, LGBT, Hispanics, Immigrants, Native People and Awake Men.We outnumber you 3 to 1.
We refuse to be divided against one another.
We have the power to include everyone and focus on what is good and right.Taking care of the world and each other.We will be a fucking success.We can all rise up, we can all do well.All your infighting, hate-mongering bullshit is a waste of time.I refuse to waste any more time being afraid and playing your games.I refuse to be scared.Bring your worst.We stand together.We've got this.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.