These are more resolutions I guess but they are things that when I look back when I am on my death bed, that if I can run through these things and if I can check them off I will be content to a life well lived.
Deep ones...
1. Try to enjoy every moment not just the good ones but the every day mundane too, just to try and be conscious and present in each moment.
2. See my kids become who they want to be and marvel at their contributions to society.
3. Write a book and get a TV Show made about SuicideGirls and do more to make the message of all of the amazing women who share their lives here heard.
4. Create a product I would use hair color, makeup, etc. because that would be super fun.
5. Show my love and appreciation for those around me more. Let people know how much I love them and appreciate them more, through patience and allowing them to be themselves.
Now some fun ones...
1. Go to the Grand Canyon in an RV
2. Visit Paris with my husband
3. Learn to play a Pixies song on my ukulele
4. Meet Ice Cube
5. Have a pet pig