So in the dozen or so years since I started SuicideGirls I have received approximately 779 creepy e-mails (not including jail letters, inmates don't get e-mail so they have to creep the old fashioned way) Most of them are about specific girls, and getting their info.
Actual excerpt: My wife REALLY likes watching two attractive women kissing and making out while actually ENJOYING it. I realized that we would not be able to afford a subscription for a few months I decided to run a few searches to see if I could find any free content. I managed to find a few pic sets and some interviews with the models and I was wondering if you had other content as well. She really likes GIRLS NAME RETRACTED any chance you can give me her phone number? If she isn't down you can send me any horny girls. I am attaching 2 pics of me and my wife just to give you a sense of me, in case your are concerned that I'm weird or something.
Photo 1 - Him in a dog collar with lipstick on and her holding the leash
Photo 2 - Them at disneyland holding stuffed animals
There are also some poetry, creepy art, really mean ones, graphic ones, funny ones and sad ones. Some are ridiculously non sensical. But most of the ones about specific girls are essentially "hey I'm cheap and horny hook me up." As you can imagine those go unanswered and are just filed away in my creepy folder.
I have received about 1512 super nice fan mails too. I save both :) Those are generally about the site, how SG changed their lives, meeting spouses, all great things, but not ones that I would categorize as a fan mail about specific girl (I assume the girls themselves get all the nice mail).... until this morning :)
I received this: "I am a fan of the suicide girls they're awesome and very beautiful one that I would like to see more of if she is still a suicide girl is sash setting aside her amazing body she has the most beautiful eyes and cutest face how can a suicide girl fan see more of sash suicide??!!"
This is how it's done gentlemen :)