Hi Missy
I just want to say that I love the concept of SG and am so glad that it exists to help all flavours of women feel like the goddesses they are. I personally am not confident enough to model for you but I have grown to be happy with myself and my uniqueness and I really love seeing others happy with themselves and respecting themselves. I adore the pin-up style that you're maintaining - sexy but not pornographic - it's truly artistic and delicious.
Thank you and thanks to your team for running what has become a great form of feminine empowerment!
I get nice letters and while I reply to everyone I don't think I really let people know how much it means to me to hear that SG makes their day a bit brighter or has made a difference to them. I have crafted a 27 point plan to fully thank everyone who writes to me.
Step 1
Be on Oprah - hear me out. Oprah is all powerful, She gives her audience things like coo koo clocks, wheels of cheese and cars to thank them for being her audience. I want to do that too. I have to be on her show, become her best friend, step aside Gail (I fully understand what replacing Gail might entail, and I am willing to do it, for you), and learn her secrets.
There are a lot of steps after that, some involve wizards, vans, and boys in bands, but that will all come later.
First thing to thank everyone properly for being fans of SG, is to be on Oprah.
If anyone has any great ideas for how I can accomplish step one. Please post them below.
Also I will see you in san diego after all. I will be at tweet-house friday night, Reagan, Rambo and I have a theme (it will be hot) be sure to say hi if you are at the party or check out the red carpet pics afterward. Some of your other favorite SG's will be there too like Bob, Squeak and Milloux.
If I can illude the con police (which shouldn't be a problem, I am a master of alluding). I will also be speaking on the IDW panel on Saturday at noon o'clock. huh? why am I speaking on the IDW panel? I can't say till Saturday at noon o'clock but it is pretty freakin' awesome.
Have a good weekend!
p.s. all jokes aside I really do appreciate all the support and kind words.
thank you
(just following on from Miro's comment...)