With Cyclone Dineo, making its final show over my head this weekend, this blog homework topic seemed fitting. Hope it makes for an enjoyable read. @rambo @missy
What are your favorite things to do on a rainy day?
Rainy days are some of my favorite kinds of days. Because I live in an arid, dry country largely made out of desert (Namibia), rain is a scarce commodity. In the past years, we have had awful rainy seasons. Many dams dried out completely and we have been living with severe water restrictions. Many people have had to walk long distances every day, just to find drinkable water and many animals have died from starvation.
This year, with the global climate change as the monsoon shifts from El Nino to La Nina, we have been experiencing the best rainy season in at least 6 years.Some of the countries' major rivers have flowed and some of the dams have received some water, It is fantastic. The Rainy season is throughout the Summer, which stretches from November till March. During Winter we have 0% humidity and no precipitation.
We have a saying here, that parents tend to use when they don't feel like doing something the children are asking for, and they don't feel like doing it for a long time. It translates to - One day on a rainy day - "We can go to the arcade one day on a rainy day". That is how rare the rain is.
What I love doing on a rainy day, is all dependent on what kind of rain it is, as for us, we count it a rainy day even if it only rains for 5 minutes, which is often the case. In short showers, I enjoy standing or dancing in the rain, for the few minutes that it decides to fall. When we have a nice heavy rain shower, I enjoy getting my shampoo, conditioner and body wash out, for a fresh cold shower on the balcony. Since it is summer when it rains, it is about 30 degrees Celsius (86F) even on a rainy day.
The best kind of rainy days are the ones where you wake up and it is raining and you go to bed, and it is still raining. They don't happen every year, but when they do, I like to chill out. I love to lay in late on such a rainy day, and drink cup of coffee after cup of coffee, while I cuddle my sheets and watch disturbing movies. I love movies that mess with a persons mind and makes you sick to the gut. I don't really get scared from conventional horror films, but I like walking away from certain movies, thinking, WTF did I just see. The kind of thing that makes you want to rip your eyes out and rewind time. The last time I went on a disturbing movie rampage, I spent about 4 days watching the most fucked up shit, some of which where actually really good movies, even if really messed up. Films like - Martyrs, Old Boy, Feed. The worst thing my eyes have ever seen, was also during this marathon. I do NOT recommend that anyone that has not seen it, watches it. I wish I could unsee 'A Serbian Film'. Do any of you like these kind of disturbing films? Any recommendations. I would recommend Martyrs. Its a French film with more than enough gore, a twisted and intriguing story line, and a very unexpected ending.