This is my first but most definitely not my last Blog Homework. I chose an old topic, because there are so many good topics on the list. @rambo @missy @lyxzen
Haters are those that feel the need to put others down, instead of raising them up. They criticize and judge instead of accepting, understanding and encouraging. Everyone deals with haters at some point in their life.
I always try not to hate on haters, as that would make me a hater as well in some sense. Instead I try to understand why they feel the need to hate. I have come to understand that most people that express negativity towards others, do so because of fear or they find themselves lacking in certain aspects. For instance, someone that express negativity towards a nude model, might feel insecure about their own bodies or might fear what others might think of them if they did it, and they project their fears and insecurities through hatred for those that don't share those fears and insecurities.
For those reasons, I have come to deal with hatred and haters, not by getting angry or feeling hurt by what they say, but by pitying them for hating themselves enough to project their hate at others. Haters are damaged and highly insecure and I feel immensely sorry for them. Only a weak person will put down others to try to make themselves feel better. I strive to be a strong person and strong people never put others down, they lift them up.
With that being said, next time you get hate from someone, for what ever reason, rather than feel bad at what they said, feel bad for them for being insecure and not loving themselves. Send some good vibes and love their way because they are probably terribly sad and angry at the world for not giving them the courage to do what you do.