There are billions of people in the world and they all come to certain conclusions throughout their lives. Most of the people will come to the same conclusions as everyone else. There are sad realisations and there are happy ones. All realisations should make people change their lives in some shape or form.
Let me give you some examples. When someone comes to the shocking realisation that the sun does in fact not shine out of their own ass, they might become a little more humble. When people realise that money does in fact not buy happiness, they usually start seeking it elsewhere in their lives.
I have made many realisations in my life, and even though not all are good, like the fact that there are an awefull lot of shit people in the world and people can be cruel beings, those realisations usually go hand in hand with something equally as good as the negativity in others. There are also an awefull lot of great people in the world and there are people that are loving and caring. Positivity can be found in all negativity, you just have to look on the bright side. If you only ever look at the darkness in the world, it will swallow your soul and turn you into the very thing you detest most.. Now I am veering off course though, so I will try to get back to my point, because positivity and what I have to say about it, will take a lifetime to put down on paper, so back to realisations I go.
There is one realisation that will always make people think twice about all the petty negativity that they tend to swim in... Life is Fucking short.
If that realisation does not make you get off your ass and hop to everything you have ever wanted to do in your life, I can guarantee , you will run out of time. In fact you will probably still run out of time even if you spend 10 hours a day on the things you want to do. You see, not only is life short, but it is unpredictable too, and anything can decide to take it all away in an instant. So do everything you want to, and do it soon, because death does not procrastinate, death does not put things off for another day, and death waits for no one to finish what they where busy doing.
I hope this can help some people come to this massive realisation. Sooner in life rather than later, but remember that it is only ever too late once you are dead. So do what you want and don't let ANYONE tell you you cant, or you have to conform to their standards, or your actions have consequences, because every action has a reaction, but you will never know what the reaction will be if you don't just go for it and find out. Also, that reaction is in the future and if you worry about the future, your life will pass right before your eyes, and you will have nothing to remember or look back on. Because lets face it, the only thing you have left to look back on when you are old, are the memories that you have made. At the end of the day, that is all a life is, just the memories that you made for yourself and the people around you.