Most people, with the obvious exception to people in the medical field, think nurses are just there to be at your beck and call when you need something for pain. Its a lot more complicated then that. On average, most of the population thinks we pass out medication, have IV fluids and listen to you bitch about how you dont want to be in a hospital; that you have better things to do. Though that's true (keep in mind we hate the bitching part) its more detailed then that. Sure we pass out meds, but we clean wounds, make sure your not having a heart attack, have all sorts of IV fluids while making sure they aren't going to cause a bad reaction (because Dr. sure don't check often enough), turn you if your unable to do it your self so you don't get a bed sore, change you if you can't hold your bowels, if your blood pressure is to low we have to think of a hundred different ways (most drugs) to get it higher all without killing you. We have to be the person who makes the pain go away, the best friend who listen's to everything you have to say, and be your verbal punching bag when your not at your best.
Most medical shows out there are all about doctors, but have you ever paused and realized that a good portion of Dr. dont really do any of the actual hospital work? If you were to code, its nurses who give you the meds to make you better, who call the other people to help you if we cant handle it all our self's. Some nurses go to school for years, get their masters degree in nursing, all because we feel the need to help YOU out; not our selves.
So next time your in the hospital, pause for a moment and thank the people who have been taking care of you. Because we don't have to do it... but we like to.
Most medical shows out there are all about doctors, but have you ever paused and realized that a good portion of Dr. dont really do any of the actual hospital work? If you were to code, its nurses who give you the meds to make you better, who call the other people to help you if we cant handle it all our self's. Some nurses go to school for years, get their masters degree in nursing, all because we feel the need to help YOU out; not our selves.
So next time your in the hospital, pause for a moment and thank the people who have been taking care of you. Because we don't have to do it... but we like to.
wow, people have that image of nurses? after 2 ankle surgeries i have all the adoration and respect for nurses, the ones i had were awesome and were usually accurate about what was wrong with me when i was getting sick after the 2nd surgery
On a more serious note from my earlier comment. After 2 bouts with cancer, 3 and 1/2 years of chemo, After kidney, lung, colon, knee and 2 hernia surgeries, I hav e nothing but respect for nurses. Giving your nurses a hard time makes as much sense as bitching at a cook before you get your food, not a smart move. Nurses are definatly unsung heros of the medical field. They are those of us that appreciate the work you do. Thanks for what you do.