Sometimes I wonder if i honestly like my job, I mean when im constantly beat up... well I gotta wonder whether or not my jobs an abusive boyfriend.. Half the time I get the crazy patients, the ones who are detoxing from what ever drug their on and have no actual idea what their doing. Then i get the REAL crazy's... the one's who need to be watched at all times because they might just get up and start killing people and the only reason their really there is because they need real and whole medical help. Then there are the sick ones who you think might actually die on your shift, the ones who are nice but their familys are the worst thing known to man, the patients that think because there here it gives them a right to be jack ass' and make our lives hell all while trying to get some sort of merit badge for going "Threw the hard time they have been going threw lately"
It like... HELLO!!!! were hurting to! We have family issues and boyfriend or girlfriend issues and daddy or mommy issues but we sit there smiling and deal with your crap because you think your jobs so hard sitting behind a desk and answering phones all day and having people breathe down your neck. Well try doing all of that and add in the fact you hold people's lives in your hands and you dont get to sit down for more then an hour when you working well over 12 hours and your watching your friends drift away and your family moving forward and your all of a sudden single and then the only people you have to lean on are the people you work with and even then you dont really wanna spend to much time with them because you already spend over 50 hours a week with them, then you have your supervisors breathing down your neck because you didnt sign things right and you have to take classes to make sure you can still keep your license.
but its what we do, we sit their and listen to you and help you get better and smile when you call us incompetent because we forgot the straw for you juice. Give us some credit please... because you not the only person we have to take care of. We have, at the very least, 4 people to watch. Make sure they dont have a heart attack, a stroke or full organ failure at once and make sure all your meds are given at the right time and make sure your getting the right amount of oxygen on top of making sure that your food is at the right temp and making your TV work for the 30th time in an hour. All while filling out 30 of the same pieces of paper for all of the people we take care of and listing to doctors yelling over the phone because the pharmacist screwed up your patients prescription. Some times you have to do things that would make any normal person vomit *enemas and folly catheters anyone?* And all you wanna do is scream, but you go home, take a well deserved shower and a nap and go back to work the next day... because for some reason you like helping people even if they are ungrateful and you sometimes want to smother them with the pillow they want you to fluff
It like... HELLO!!!! were hurting to! We have family issues and boyfriend or girlfriend issues and daddy or mommy issues but we sit there smiling and deal with your crap because you think your jobs so hard sitting behind a desk and answering phones all day and having people breathe down your neck. Well try doing all of that and add in the fact you hold people's lives in your hands and you dont get to sit down for more then an hour when you working well over 12 hours and your watching your friends drift away and your family moving forward and your all of a sudden single and then the only people you have to lean on are the people you work with and even then you dont really wanna spend to much time with them because you already spend over 50 hours a week with them, then you have your supervisors breathing down your neck because you didnt sign things right and you have to take classes to make sure you can still keep your license.
but its what we do, we sit their and listen to you and help you get better and smile when you call us incompetent because we forgot the straw for you juice. Give us some credit please... because you not the only person we have to take care of. We have, at the very least, 4 people to watch. Make sure they dont have a heart attack, a stroke or full organ failure at once and make sure all your meds are given at the right time and make sure your getting the right amount of oxygen on top of making sure that your food is at the right temp and making your TV work for the 30th time in an hour. All while filling out 30 of the same pieces of paper for all of the people we take care of and listing to doctors yelling over the phone because the pharmacist screwed up your patients prescription. Some times you have to do things that would make any normal person vomit *enemas and folly catheters anyone?* And all you wanna do is scream, but you go home, take a well deserved shower and a nap and go back to work the next day... because for some reason you like helping people even if they are ungrateful and you sometimes want to smother them with the pillow they want you to fluff
You have an admirable job that I wouldn't want to do myself. It's a shame some people don't treat you how you should, but you should be proud to be in a profession that helps people in so tangible a way. But I really don't get people being nasty to you, though it says much more about them than it does about you.
Agree with the above. You do an important job, can be proud of yourself. It sucks how some people don't realise that.