I'm finally threw with my best friend. My sudo mom told me that friends shouldn't stay friends just because of how long they have been friends. I feel kinda broken now, its weird... she was always a bad influence on me. She tried to control my life, so much that she tried to ruin my relationship with my bf. Now i know your never supposed to pick the bf over the bff, but what was I supposed to do when she would perpously make him an I fight, what was I supposed to do when I found out she was gonna sleep with my bf just to prove he's shitty for me. She constantly triend to get my attention when I was spending time with him, constantly made me pay for things, no matter the price. She has no morals, she sleeps with rich men to get stuff and engaged men to prove a point to everyone she's the best. So now I'm done, but not havng someone there... it kinda makes you feel empty....
Sounds a bit like the plot lone to Single White Female. Seriously, it is difficult to end a long time friendship, but ending a dysfunctional one is better, in the long run, than continuing to live with the pain it causes. Perhaps through this she will realize what she had and change.
That really sucks, but it sounds obvious that you mad the right choice. I know it's hard to stick by a decision like that, but it's so much better to have good people in your life! You will find lots of good ones to help fill the void left by the one you had to let go. You're very nice and that will pay off! Hang in there and stay strong.