I cant believe how many "Girly things" as the bf would put it. I actually have a lot of stuff! I honestly just realized how girly i actually am! I was flipping threw a mag, and i realized about half of the add's were things I already had. Not the 100$ crap, just the normal 10$ crap you get over at target. Between the stuff to straight, curly, wavy and anything in between, 3 different kinds of shampoo and conditioner, enough lipstick to cater to a Broadway musical. The bf is right, sadly (but dont tell him that)

see!!! lots of crap!!!!!!

Our closet has mostly my stuff in it. I have been threw all my clothes at least 3 times so far, and well that's where i am at right now. That's just one little section of the closed, The other side has 32 pairs of shows!!! When the hell did all this happen?! At 16, i probably would have had someone committed into Fairview or College (their psych hospitals) if they told me this is who i would turn out to be in 5 years. Dragoonbill and Sydney_Askew can attest to that.
I suppose all of this reflection is because of all the changes I have made in this last month. The bf an I movin in is one of the biggest things to happen to me in a long ass time. I mean sure, I lived on my own before; but i was dating Don at the time and he was stationed in Korea 98% of the time, so really when he wasn't with me, I was working non-stop.
Now though, it kinda feels like im growing up, and i cant wrap my mind around it quite yet.
So while i do that, an also unpack, enjoy the pictures

And this was my, random-i-love-you-chocolate.

I think I might beat you in clothes love. But yes at 16 you weren't a girly girl and at 19 I wasn't the way I am so :-P I think you might still need to be committed to an institution by the way