One hour away from 21 and I look back at my life, and am amazed where i am at, an how much more I have to do. I realize, only because it's been told to me so many damn times, that I have my whole life a head of me. That my teen's were for messing around an no matter what happened, I'll make it. When I look at how far I have come in life, and who is still with me, I'm simply amazed at it all.

My closest friend, sydney_askew, an I have been together for years, even threw all the crap we did to each other. Were practically sisters at this point. I'm one of the most sought after nurses in socal, and Im going to school.... WILLINGLY and im loving every second of it. Thats something I find really funny. When I was in high school, i couldn't wait to ditch and never show my face, to never sit threw one single lecture was an honest goal. Now? Now i cant wait for class to start, to be able to go an learn about things that make this world move and change.

Nikk, in all of her asian wisdom, has decided to drop out of school. Now normally I would totally yell at her. She has so many dreams of just random things she wants to do, that dropping out is uncalled for. But she's not exactly dropping out, more like changing from regular school to a trade school. She's decided to go to a local jc here for BEAUTY school! Im just floored by that choice, but hey... free hair cuts and what not... im kinda liking that. I'd post a picture of us, but i dont know if she'd like her image on this type of site. I'm proud of her none the less, she's really grown up since I first met her and she keeps growing.

My family and I actually see eye to eye on so many things, its shocking. I remember when I was in high school that If i never spoke to my mother again, I would be soooo happy but thats just not the case now. Now I call like once a day or so to talk with her, see how she's doing and how the rest of my family is doing. Now that I'm living with my BF were just so involved with our own lives that we rarely have time for each other, and including other people is almost an impossible task.

We move out in two weeks, and somehow we need almost 2 grand... how were gonna do that, I haven't quite figured out, but I'm resourceful and I'm sure I'll figure out something.... My bday is tomorrow after all. Speaking of... again... I should be going and getting ready, I'm leaving in 20 min.
ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My closest friend, sydney_askew, an I have been together for years, even threw all the crap we did to each other. Were practically sisters at this point. I'm one of the most sought after nurses in socal, and Im going to school.... WILLINGLY and im loving every second of it. Thats something I find really funny. When I was in high school, i couldn't wait to ditch and never show my face, to never sit threw one single lecture was an honest goal. Now? Now i cant wait for class to start, to be able to go an learn about things that make this world move and change.

Nikk, in all of her asian wisdom, has decided to drop out of school. Now normally I would totally yell at her. She has so many dreams of just random things she wants to do, that dropping out is uncalled for. But she's not exactly dropping out, more like changing from regular school to a trade school. She's decided to go to a local jc here for BEAUTY school! Im just floored by that choice, but hey... free hair cuts and what not... im kinda liking that. I'd post a picture of us, but i dont know if she'd like her image on this type of site. I'm proud of her none the less, she's really grown up since I first met her and she keeps growing.

My family and I actually see eye to eye on so many things, its shocking. I remember when I was in high school that If i never spoke to my mother again, I would be soooo happy but thats just not the case now. Now I call like once a day or so to talk with her, see how she's doing and how the rest of my family is doing. Now that I'm living with my BF were just so involved with our own lives that we rarely have time for each other, and including other people is almost an impossible task.

We move out in two weeks, and somehow we need almost 2 grand... how were gonna do that, I haven't quite figured out, but I'm resourceful and I'm sure I'll figure out something.... My bday is tomorrow after all. Speaking of... again... I should be going and getting ready, I'm leaving in 20 min.

ENJOY THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy bday
Happy Birthday!