Ok so this week the homework assignment was to tell a story about a paranormal or ghost experience you've had. For me I've personally experienced two, both times after the loss of a loved one.
The first experience happened a few years back when my grandmother passed away. I flew to Calgary to be with my family, but needed something purple for the funeral. Purple was her favourite colour. Anyways as I was walking through the very busy, very loud mall I entered a store. It was then that clear as day I heard her voice.... My grandmother called my name. Not just called my name but called it in a way she had done my whole life. I literally froze, my heart pounding, and turned around, but there was no one there and the background noise of the mall started to filter back into my ears. I shared this story with my cousins at the funeral, who all shocking told a story of themselves having an experience where my grandmothers presence was felt or heard in the days leading up to her funeral. We believe it was her way of letting us know we will be ok.
The second experience occurred after my fathers death a year ago this month actually. A little background of the situation is me and my dad had a volatile relationship growing up, he was mean and very physically and emotionally abusive. We hadn't spoken in three years when he passed, and it was the one regret I had that he died while he was still mad at me. So after the funeral I flew home to Ontario, from Kelowna, and that night I went to bed. I had a dream that night that me and my dad were sitting on the front steps of the last house I can ever remember really feeling home. I don't remember the conversation but at one point I turned to him and I looked him right in the eyes and I said to him "you can't be here your dead" he smiled at me and without saying a word he hugged me then disappeared. I then woke up. I woke up not upset but relieved, like a weight had been lifted. I truly believe that he visited me that night and he hugged me to let me know he forgave me and that he wasn't mad at me anymore.
I think about them often but the influence they both had on who I am as a person will forever be a part of me! Love you dad and grandma xoxo