Are you available?: Nope, I am taken♥
What is your age?: 19
What annoys you?: Many things. It would take too long to type them all on one blog.
Do you know anyone named Billy?: two actually
When is your birthday?: August 21st, 1987.
Who is(are) your best friend(s)?: ciara, chris, and danny.
What's your favorite candy?: I ♥ them all!
Crush?: Stud Muffin, but its more then a crush.
When was the last time you cried?: about a week ago.
Do you daydream?: all the time
What's your favorite kind of dog?: english bulldogs and cavalier king charles spaniels.
What day of the week is it?: wednesday the 4th yay! and I got up way to early.
How do you like your eggs?:omellete style
Have u ever been in the emergency room? Yes.
Have you ever pet an elephant?: yes
Do you use fly swatters?: i have.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: yes...hahah im wierd.
Is there a fan in your room?: Yea
Do you chew gum?: Yep.
Do you like gummy candies?: yep.
Do you like gory movies?: Yep
and silent films
How are you?: good! its the forth whoot whoot!
What color is your hair?: dark brown
Whats your favorite ice cream?: I ♥ them all except mint! yuck! I ♥ sugar if you can..t tell!
Have you ever ice skated?: Nope.
Ever been in an igloo?: no.
What's your favorite Jelly Bean?: strawberry daquiri and buttered popcorn
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: vinn-deee-soooollll ;D
Do you wear jewelry?: Yes
Who do you want to kill?: no one
Have you ever flown a kite?: yup
Do you think kangaroos are cute?: extremely
Lions or tigers?: Lion...Leo baby!!
Do you like black licorice?: One word: Ew.
Favorite movie as a kid?: Snow white & alice in wonderland
Ever shopped at Moosejaw?
Favorite store at the mall?: fredericks of hollywood and charolette russe.
Do you have a nickname?:I have many...MissVaVoom, Regie, Gina, giners, Geenie, vampi, lucy, mae, and bernedette.
Whats your favorite number?: 2, 8. 21.
Do you prefer night or day?: Night
Only child?: Nope
Do you like the color orange?: not really
What are you most paranoid about?: a few things.
Piercings?: 9
You know anyone named Penelope?: yep
Are you quick to judge people?: no.
Do you like Quaker Oats?: eh its okay
Know anyone that makes quilts?: yup
Do you think you're always right?: not really but when I know i am, Im very stubborn.
Do you watch reality TV?: nope.
Do you prefer sun or rain?:both...I love the rain though
Do you like snow?: eh its okay.
Whats your favorite season?: autumn
What time is it? 9:12 am
What time did you wake up?: 4:30am
Who did you last text?: danny
Can you ride a unicycle?: yep
Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: hahah yep. i called him burt
How many uncles do you have?: 4 i think...haha
What's the worst vegetable?: I love every veggie Ive ever seen.
Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: nope
Ever considered being vegan?: I was.
What's your worst habit?: cursing
Do you like water rides?: Yep!
Ever been inside a windmill?: yep
Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yep
Ever used a Xerox machine?: Yep
Play the xylophone?: yes indeedy
Do you like the color yellow?: I guess
What year were you born in?: 1987
Do you yell when you're angry? most of the time im really silent actually.
Do you believe in the zodiac?: yep
What's your zodiac sign?: Leo!!!
When was the last time you went to the zoo?: I was in 1st grade! I need to go back
Are you available?: Nope, I am taken♥
What is your age?: 19
What annoys you?: Many things. It would take too long to type them all on one blog.
Do you know anyone named Billy?: two actually
When is your birthday?: August 21st, 1987.
Who is(are) your best friend(s)?: ciara, chris, and danny.
What's your favorite candy?: I ♥ them all!
Crush?: Stud Muffin, but its more then a crush.
When was the last time you cried?: about a week ago.
Do you daydream?: all the time
What's your favorite kind of dog?: english bulldogs and cavalier king charles spaniels.
What day of the week is it?: wednesday the 4th yay! and I got up way to early.
How do you like your eggs?:omellete style
Have u ever been in the emergency room? Yes.
Have you ever pet an elephant?: yes
Do you use fly swatters?: i have.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: yes...hahah im wierd.
Is there a fan in your room?: Yea
Do you chew gum?: Yep.
Do you like gummy candies?: yep.
Do you like gory movies?: Yep

How are you?: good! its the forth whoot whoot!
What color is your hair?: dark brown
Whats your favorite ice cream?: I ♥ them all except mint! yuck! I ♥ sugar if you can..t tell!
Have you ever ice skated?: Nope.
Ever been in an igloo?: no.
What's your favorite Jelly Bean?: strawberry daquiri and buttered popcorn
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: vinn-deee-soooollll ;D
Do you wear jewelry?: Yes
Who do you want to kill?: no one
Have you ever flown a kite?: yup
Do you think kangaroos are cute?: extremely
Lions or tigers?: Lion...Leo baby!!
Do you like black licorice?: One word: Ew.
Favorite movie as a kid?: Snow white & alice in wonderland
Ever shopped at Moosejaw?
Favorite store at the mall?: fredericks of hollywood and charolette russe.
Do you have a nickname?:I have many...MissVaVoom, Regie, Gina, giners, Geenie, vampi, lucy, mae, and bernedette.
Whats your favorite number?: 2, 8. 21.
Do you prefer night or day?: Night
Only child?: Nope
Do you like the color orange?: not really
What are you most paranoid about?: a few things.
Piercings?: 9
You know anyone named Penelope?: yep
Are you quick to judge people?: no.
Do you like Quaker Oats?: eh its okay
Know anyone that makes quilts?: yup
Do you think you're always right?: not really but when I know i am, Im very stubborn.
Do you watch reality TV?: nope.
Do you prefer sun or rain?:both...I love the rain though
Do you like snow?: eh its okay.
Whats your favorite season?: autumn
What time is it? 9:12 am
What time did you wake up?: 4:30am
Who did you last text?: danny
Can you ride a unicycle?: yep
Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: hahah yep. i called him burt
How many uncles do you have?: 4 i think...haha
What's the worst vegetable?: I love every veggie Ive ever seen.
Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: nope
Ever considered being vegan?: I was.
What's your worst habit?: cursing
Do you like water rides?: Yep!
Ever been inside a windmill?: yep
Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yep
Ever used a Xerox machine?: Yep
Play the xylophone?: yes indeedy
Do you like the color yellow?: I guess
What year were you born in?: 1987
Do you yell when you're angry? most of the time im really silent actually.
Do you believe in the zodiac?: yep
What's your zodiac sign?: Leo!!!
When was the last time you went to the zoo?: I was in 1st grade! I need to go back

'He's gonna deflower her in the tower!!'
Helen xx