i'm in the home stretch here, people. my Contracts final exam is tomorrow morning, 10am. i am rather terrified. it's my weakest class and these grades count for, well, everything. please wish me luck. i need it.
Well, Contracts final is over and done with. and it SUCKED. i just hope my grade isn't so bad as to be a red flag on my transcript that screams "DON'T HIRE ME!"
Civ Pro and Torts are left. i'm not nearly as worried about these, except for the teeny amount of time that i have left to study for them.
at least i have a few days to frolick in NYC to look forward to when i'm done...and then a week's worth of birthday celebrating. but that seems so far away...
OK, enough of my bitching. I was feeling all sorry for myself yesterday, but today, I just have to take a step back and declare how much I love living in Boston and being in Massachusetts. This week in Mass. has just completely ruled - first, the Pats win what was arguably one of the best Superbowls ever played. The resulting spirit in this city... Read More
I am jelous of your states progressiveness. New Jersey may head that way soon enough tho. There is a weird loophole in new jersey, that although gay marriage isn't legas as of yet, you can change the sex on your birth certificate. So you can just technically decide you are the other sex, and get married. Weird how that one works huh. good luck on getting that summer job. I don't even want to look any more. I think I might just work for the kerry campaign for the summer.
At any rate, itsvery complicated stuff because so much of marriage is straight out of common law and deeply rooted in tradition that its never been questioned. Formally, its probably covered under Comity, not FF&Q, but its never really been tested. The only cases remotely on point are th the anti-miscegenation cases and prisoners rights to marry and they offer more confusion than guidance.
Ultimately, like other civil rights it will grow to be accepted over time and teh fact is we don't want states tom get into grudge matches over legal status being able to cross state lines, which I guarantee will happen if states start snubbing each other. Plus states will absolutely be required to recognize and administer each others divorces and child custody arrangements making it even more confusing.
i am so goddamn BORED with my life lately. not in the sense that i don't have things to fill up my day - i have exams starting in a few days, which means that every second should be spent studying. but beyond that...everything is in stasis right now and it's driving me fuckin crazy. the one person i want doesn't want me. my friends... Read More
first and foresmost, GO PATS! i can't wait to see this city after the game today...i don't want to get ahead of myself, of course, but i have a damn good feeling. i was living in NYC when they won it in 2002 and, of course, my red sox have boken my heart since i was 5...it's gotta feel damn good to... Read More
i love cigarettes. i know that they're horrifically bad for me and that the tobacco industry is the evil incarnate...but there is no better part of my day than when i can stop doing everything else, step outside, and enjoy 10 minutes of nicotine. it's a satisfaction like no other. clearly, yes, i have the whole physical addiciton thing goin' on, but i think i... Read More
but it's like the soul was sucked from everyone during the vacation. it's all stress and no substance. and it's making me kind of miserable. is this a shared malaise of all 1Ls?
I think it's playing out differently at my school than yours, but basically yes. Here's how much of a geek I am: I've actually been doing research on this topic. Here's one book that looks at the wider phenomenon of law school from a kind of critical/sociological perspective (usually I hate that stuff, but this seems pretty real). I've been looking up law review articles about grading, and stuff from the Journal of Legal Education, etc.
I wasn't being facetious. I identified with your description. Despite the fact I'm very happy with my & vyeseleph's relationship, I couldn't read your posting without finding it a little disturbing.
so i'm having one of those dangerously self-pitying nights in which i get nostalgic for a false past and start doing stupid shit like reading emails from ex boyfriends, and rationalizing out the reasons why they all weren't so bad after all, and contemplating "just saying hi." i think i am sometimes overcome by a need for instant gratification that takes over and annihilates any... Read More
Wow you are having one of those too? Jeez my depression is spreading. Keep cool I guess, do something you like or that makes you happy. Listen to me, the blind leading the blind eh? Oh well, I hope you cheer up.
powders We only have one friend that got too fucked up by them, he seems better now... Lik-m-sticks, pixiesticks, and Kool-aid are still my favorite from time to time, I HAVE been known to dabble...
Of Course I'll be your friend : School was always hard for me to concentrate on because most of my teachers were dumbasses that didn't know jack about what they were teaching. That sucks that you've been sick the entire time you've been back. So how did your friend make it home drunk and by himself?
warning: long narrative about my night. not all that exciting upon reading it again. but fuck it.
so let me tell you about my saturday. most of it was fairly typical - i slept a little late, ran a few errands, went to the library to study for a few hours. i was still itching to go out, but since today in boston is pretty... Read More
Nice. I, as well, dislike the whole club scene. Too many drunken people in one place to have any real fun. Its good that your friend Ky got home safe. The whole fight thing is pretty nuts, I mean wow a pipe? Damn, I'm glad I don't live in a big city.
i am having a serious bout of cabin fever-ish symptoms. i feel like i have been cooped up in my apartment for far too long, leaving only to go to school and school-related activities. I MUST GET OUT. but everyone around seems to have lost all will to live because of the bitter and horrifically cold temperatures outside. but i am determined. someone will go... Read More
Civ Pro and Torts are left. i'm not nearly as worried about these, except for the teeny amount of time that i have left to study for them.
at least i have a few days to frolick in NYC to look forward to when i'm done...and then a week's worth of birthday celebrating. but that seems so far away...
send me good luck. make me feel better.