This had been an odd week, full of ups and downs. Let's make a list, shall we?
- the boy and I got into our first little tiff
- my finals grades were not the stellar representations that I wanted them to be
- the Mass. legislature took the first step in banning gay marriage (read my Newswire piece and subsequent debate here.)
- I had some weird hormonal swing that left me feeling completely unlike myself for about 24 miserable hours
- the boy and I worked the tiff out and I'm really starting to heart him.
- I got a very cute dress for "Law Prom" - it's a vintage-style halter dress with a flared skirt and cherries printed all over it (I promise pictures).
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Jersey Girl were very, very enjoyable flicks (even for a Kevin Smith hardcore like myself)
- I kicked some serious ass at my first attempt at oral arguments/mini moot court practice
- I am applying for a very part time volunteer position at the New England
Innocence Project, which is a group of lawyers and law students who work to discover and use DNA evidence that exonerates innocent people in prison - THIS is why I am doing what I'm doing with my life.
- oh, and I heart this thread
to all my friends here, especially Oracle because he's wonderful and needs some lovin right now.
- the boy and I got into our first little tiff
- my finals grades were not the stellar representations that I wanted them to be
- the Mass. legislature took the first step in banning gay marriage (read my Newswire piece and subsequent debate here.)
- I had some weird hormonal swing that left me feeling completely unlike myself for about 24 miserable hours
- the boy and I worked the tiff out and I'm really starting to heart him.
- I got a very cute dress for "Law Prom" - it's a vintage-style halter dress with a flared skirt and cherries printed all over it (I promise pictures).
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Jersey Girl were very, very enjoyable flicks (even for a Kevin Smith hardcore like myself)
- I kicked some serious ass at my first attempt at oral arguments/mini moot court practice
- I am applying for a very part time volunteer position at the New England
Innocence Project, which is a group of lawyers and law students who work to discover and use DNA evidence that exonerates innocent people in prison - THIS is why I am doing what I'm doing with my life.
- oh, and I heart this thread

I luv u my dear... always nice to add another lovely lady to my friends

Good luck with the boy. Sorry about the grades, but I hear law school grades are nearly random anyway.