every day, my desire for my own apartment grows. over the past 3 weeks, my roommates have been off gallavanting for the holidays (sidenote: as a student, my schedule mandated the last 3 weeks off as the standard winter break...but all 3 of my roommates supposedly work real jobs. since when does a real job grant 3 weeks off for the holidays? when i worked a real job, i had christmas day and new year's day off). anyway - it was heavenly to have the entire place to myself when i was around. i didn't have to deal with their dirty-ass dishes all over the living room, i didn't have to smell them smoking pot at 8 am, i didn't have to worry about them drinking my beer, and i especially didn't have to deal with their layabout drug dealer friends invading the place at 4 am. and now they are all back - one walked in 5 minutes ago, with friends already in tow. grrrrrrr. i am loathe to give up my own parking space and my kickin' closet, but i can't take this anymore. anyone want to cut a girl a deal on some boston real estate?
boo on roommates.

boo on roommates.

She came out and visited me. You should too
[Edited on Jan 05, 2004 12:26AM]