I have a knack for winning things. I win raffles, radio contests, online sweepstakes. Never anything signficiant, really, like vacations or cash of any sort (which would be nice). But since I was about 13, I've just...won stuff. Especially via radio - there was one point in high school when I literally won something every week, mostly tickets to local shows. I don't sleep very...
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I have always disliked having to retype papers that were lost on different computers.
Coming to Crossroads Tonight?
Nothing makes me happier than going to see a band that I love. I went and saw my favorite boys, The Tint on Thursday night, and it just made me so damn...content. I put aside all the work and all the job shit that is stressing me out so much lately and forgot about it. Just to be able to sit around with a friend...
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Darling, dating (like anything about people) is horrible and wonderful. If I had any power to give blessings, I would cast a spell which would allow you to see the very best that any boy you may date has to offer. I'm pretty cynical in most respects, hardly a hippie; but I really believe that just about everybody has something wonderful and beautiful about them...no matter how buried in shit it may be. And it always is buried in shit.
And the sad fact is, that you just can't get along with most people, and most people can't get along with you. That's not a poor reflection on anybody...can you imagine how hard it would be to hang with (for instance) Ghandi? Hell of a guy, wish him all the best, but if I were a girl (or a gay guy), I wouldn't want to date him.
By the way, I've only been to New York on short excursions...but sometimes I think I'm a New Yorker reincarnated into a Californian. I tell myself that San Francisco is like a piece of Manhattan that just wound up on the West Coast by mistake. My delusions have been encouraged by a couple of real New Yorkers that I've met over the years, who have told me that I've got the right attitude. But I'd settle for living in Boston, which (by Southern California standards) is pretty close.
And the sad fact is, that you just can't get along with most people, and most people can't get along with you. That's not a poor reflection on anybody...can you imagine how hard it would be to hang with (for instance) Ghandi? Hell of a guy, wish him all the best, but if I were a girl (or a gay guy), I wouldn't want to date him.
By the way, I've only been to New York on short excursions...but sometimes I think I'm a New Yorker reincarnated into a Californian. I tell myself that San Francisco is like a piece of Manhattan that just wound up on the West Coast by mistake. My delusions have been encouraged by a couple of real New Yorkers that I've met over the years, who have told me that I've got the right attitude. But I'd settle for living in Boston, which (by Southern California standards) is pretty close.
Well Hun, I've decided to leave SG for a little while at least. If I do come back I'm not sure when it would be. I want you to know that its been fun bull shitting with you. I wish you luck with law school and everything else you do.

I wish that I had more time to play on here, There's never a shortage of amusement to be had - sadly, I have the whole "law school" thing to deal with. And I feel like lately I have been working and working and working and working and not making a dent in anything. Especially the job front. But that's mostly because I'm terrified of...
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*bows to your 3rd baseline seats from the bleachers*
misstyrios, i feel as though I've made a connection tonight
misstyrios, i feel as though I've made a connection tonight

Greetings from SGBoston
Come on out to one of the gatherings. For example tonight @ Saco's Bowling Haven. It's wicked pissah. Check the link http://www.singyourmuse.com/saccos/bowling.htm We are meeting at 8 O'clock in front of Saco's. I'll have a SG pin on and lookin some what like Elvis Costello. If not another time.
Come on out to one of the gatherings. For example tonight @ Saco's Bowling Haven. It's wicked pissah. Check the link http://www.singyourmuse.com/saccos/bowling.htm We are meeting at 8 O'clock in front of Saco's. I'll have a SG pin on and lookin some what like Elvis Costello. If not another time.
Throwing a party is a stressful event. Since this week marked my birthday as well as return from spring break, I am having a big freakin' party tonight so that everyone I know can, well, drink to oblivion and tell me how much they love me. I rented out the back room at a bar (my apartment isn't exactly party-ready), so I don't have to...
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Happy Birthday! For your birthday, I'll get you some purple-tinted glasses, and drink myself to oblivion, raising a glass to your health as long as I'm able.
As long as roommates don't fuck up the kitchen and bills you are golden. Good looking is icing on the cake of responsibility and maturity. Worry not.
Happy Birthday to me

happy b-day sista!!!
HB to you!
Have some Swedish fish to celebrate; I haven't had my weekly fix yet!!
Have some Swedish fish to celebrate; I haven't had my weekly fix yet!!

Well, children, I am off to my old stomping grounds of lovely NYC to visit with the college chums and spend some early birthday money on my "spring" break. I will catch up with everyone when I return.

hope you had fun in the NYC
I just finished a 40 page brief for HNBA national moot court. It was tough, but I am a master of Fed. R. Civ. P. R. 56. and also 42 U.S.C. 2000e(b). Hard to believe one would ever need to be a master at that tho. But it comes up. Got another brief due next monday, and hunter moot court spring arguments start in 2 days!!!!
I just finished a 40 page brief for HNBA national moot court. It was tough, but I am a master of Fed. R. Civ. P. R. 56. and also 42 U.S.C. 2000e(b). Hard to believe one would ever need to be a master at that tho. But it comes up. Got another brief due next monday, and hunter moot court spring arguments start in 2 days!!!!
Well, I'm done with exams. I wish it were more along the lines of "I'M DONE I'M DONE I'M DONE I'M DONE," but this last exam today kicked my ass kinda hard. It was my best class and the one I was feeling the most confident about, which makes this feeling even worse - I just can't shake the feeling that I fucked it up....
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I have a question for you. I'm going to be in law school next year and I keep worring about piercings and such. I worked at a firm this summer and they didn't have a problem with my piercings, but I'm concerned other places will "frown upon them." Have you ever gotten crap for not looking conservative enough?
I'm sure you did great gorgeous.
Don't worry about it. The more you worry the more it'll bring you down. If anything that was ever worth doing was easy it wouldn't be worth doing ok? Have fun at your keg party. Have a Happy Valentines day and an awesome weekend.

Well, Contracts final is over and done with. and it SUCKED. i just hope my grade isn't so bad as to be a red flag on my transcript that screams "DON'T HIRE ME!"
Civ Pro and Torts are left. i'm not nearly as worried about these, except for the teeny amount of time that i have left to study for them.
at least i have...
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Civ Pro and Torts are left. i'm not nearly as worried about these, except for the teeny amount of time that i have left to study for them.
at least i have...
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THANK YOU!! An email is forthcoming.
Thanks for helping out the Team!
I sent you an email, but outlook is wack, so I may have sent it twice times or more.
Good luck on your exams, and happy imminent birthday!
(note: I am the other half of TA, just so you don't think that some unknown creepy guy has your email address. Thanks again!)
I sent you an email, but outlook is wack, so I may have sent it twice times or more.
Good luck on your exams, and happy imminent birthday!
(note: I am the other half of TA, just so you don't think that some unknown creepy guy has your email address. Thanks again!)
i'm in the home stretch here, people. my Contracts final exam is tomorrow morning, 10am. i am rather terrified. it's my weakest class and these grades count for, well, everything. please wish me luck. i need it.
Well, Contracts final is over and done with. and it SUCKED. i just hope my grade isn't so bad as to be a red flag on my transcript that screams "DON'T HIRE ME!"
Civ Pro and Torts are left. i'm not nearly as worried about these, except for the teeny amount of time that i have left to study for them.
at least i have a few days to frolick in NYC to look forward to when i'm done...and then a week's worth of birthday celebrating. but that seems so far away...
send me good luck. make me feel better.
Civ Pro and Torts are left. i'm not nearly as worried about these, except for the teeny amount of time that i have left to study for them.
at least i have a few days to frolick in NYC to look forward to when i'm done...and then a week's worth of birthday celebrating. but that seems so far away...

send me good luck. make me feel better.
OK, enough of my bitching. I was feeling all sorry for myself yesterday, but today, I just have to take a step back and declare how much I love living in Boston and being in Massachusetts. This week in Mass. has just completely ruled - first, the Pats win what was arguably one of the best Superbowls ever played. The resulting spirit in this city...
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I am jelous of your states progressiveness. New Jersey may head that way soon enough tho. There is a weird loophole in new jersey, that although gay marriage isn't legas as of yet, you can change the sex on your birth certificate. So you can just technically decide you are the other sex, and get married. Weird how that one works huh. good luck on getting that summer job. I don't even want to look any more. I think I might just work for the kerry campaign for the summer.
1ls don't take Con law anymore? Weird.
At any rate, itsvery complicated stuff because so much of marriage is straight out of common law and deeply rooted in tradition that its never been questioned. Formally, its probably covered under Comity, not FF&Q, but its never really been tested. The only cases remotely on point are th the anti-miscegenation cases and prisoners rights to marry and they offer more confusion than guidance.
Ultimately, like other civil rights it will grow to be accepted over time and teh fact is we don't want states tom get into grudge matches over legal status being able to cross state lines, which I guarantee will happen if states start snubbing each other. Plus states will absolutely be required to recognize and administer each others divorces and child custody arrangements making it even more confusing.
At any rate, itsvery complicated stuff because so much of marriage is straight out of common law and deeply rooted in tradition that its never been questioned. Formally, its probably covered under Comity, not FF&Q, but its never really been tested. The only cases remotely on point are th the anti-miscegenation cases and prisoners rights to marry and they offer more confusion than guidance.
Ultimately, like other civil rights it will grow to be accepted over time and teh fact is we don't want states tom get into grudge matches over legal status being able to cross state lines, which I guarantee will happen if states start snubbing each other. Plus states will absolutely be required to recognize and administer each others divorces and child custody arrangements making it even more confusing.
i am so goddamn BORED with my life lately. not in the sense that i don't have things to fill up my day - i have exams starting in a few days, which means that every second should be spent studying. but beyond that...everything is in stasis right now and it's driving me fuckin crazy. the one person i want doesn't want me. my friends...
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Hey, Oaklands nice this time of year!
random smatterings today:
first and foresmost, GO PATS! i can't wait to see this city after the game today...i don't want to get ahead of myself, of course, but i have a damn good feeling. i was living in NYC when they won it in 2002 and, of course, my red sox have boken my heart since i was 5...it's gotta feel damn good to...
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first and foresmost, GO PATS! i can't wait to see this city after the game today...i don't want to get ahead of myself, of course, but i have a damn good feeling. i was living in NYC when they won it in 2002 and, of course, my red sox have boken my heart since i was 5...it's gotta feel damn good to...
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Tis a great honor to speak to a fair maiden such as yourself. *takes a bow*
ya sometimes people just need to be told...and you told him