ooh yay a high of -29 and windy. Teal' is not even here to keep me warm
I think the couch with a pile of blankets is ware im hanging out tonight. I wine alot about the weather but I live in Canada and the weather here sucks 9 months of the year.
Oh oh oh good news though. they are doing some digging on...
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Oh oh oh good news though. they are doing some digging on...
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ouch that sucks about the temp. my brother told me how it was up there all the time, i just moved back here after 8yrs in Canada.
And I thought I had bad weather! Hope summer comes soon.
best line ever from a skeleton with an afro--- "Can I see your panties?" oh Brooke 

Haven't quite gotten that far but that's who I mean for sure <3

that series == win, I thought "i'll never get through it" but then.. now I'm waiting every week for a new episode..
Good evening lovelies.
Just chillin out watching the oilers game with teal. It felt like a long week at work. I think most of the idiots in the city came to talk to me
Just chillin out watching the oilers game with teal. It felt like a long week at work. I think most of the idiots in the city came to talk to me
The game last night was brutal. we had to stop watching. even though the oilers were out skating the flames, the flames had better goal tending and it lead to an epic failure for the oilers again. As to the idiots that keep coming in to work, if I have to exsplain why a monthly bill needs to be paid monthly to another person my head might explode. and Demonic I don't think you want brain matter all over you do you?
That would be new. Make it messy 

meh trying hard to eat better. I'm going to try to eat less fast food. I made home made burgers last night. so tasty. Little bumed that teal took all the left overs but I'm thinking a spinach salad for lunch.
I think I Need to do the same and eat things like more spinach !
Btw, your self images are awesome!
Btw, your self images are awesome!

Why is it I can watch Pride and Prejudice over and over again. I think my dvd copy has warped it been watched so many times.
mine too! Just watched Brideshead Revisted.
I'm feeling kinda lame. I'm at home hanging out with the cats. yup... lame
as any man should. what exactly are you dyeing?... please don't say one of the cats..
lol If I Thought I could get away with it i'd totally give Zach a matching blue streak. No I'm dyeing as there is some evil bug that has made it's home in my lungs
I'd be much happier if Teal hadn't gotten me sick. boo. Would love a new nasal passage and a new set of lungs. Also took a chunk out of my finger cooking new years eve dinner. not the way I wanted to start 2013
WHAT! your sick?... call the i dont know.. someone.. you cannot be sick. you are far too righteous to be held down by some second rate pathogen. a new nasal passage on the other hand would be pretty sweet.. make it of gold, and diamonds... all the better to snort coke you might say..... a billion dollar nose for that billion dollar habit.. bwahahahaha.... i too chunked my finger... not whilst cooking mind you.. splitting fire wood... heh..or. splitting my finger you might say.... happy day two...
Alas what should you do when you realize that your sister and brother in law are just the younger version of your dad and step mom, and you really have nothing in common with them. We went out for dinner the other night because my dad was in town and all they could talk about was mexico, cruises and booze. Hey look at me, look...
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LOL I'm off the next couple days off so maybe I\ll give you some new material to stalk
ooohhh how lovely..
Hello My Lovelies! It's almost Christmas and Teal is tortchering me by trying to convince me he got me a shower curtain. lol. I got to make my grandmother's night wich really made my holidays. I convinced my mom to by her a new hd box and she was so excited. She's almost 80 and her and her partner don't get out much anymore so...
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well aren't you the nicest.
thank you for the snow. alas it twas not the real thing for i never had any on my tongue... but the thought was very sweet.