Creative inspiration comes from many different places in my life.
I will start with a major one. Something I draw from is realizing I am an empowered lady and I have many other empowered ladies to call friends :) I am not a super femme person all of the time but when I receive love from these girls the flower in me tends to come out more often. I have found myself isolated and not feeling myself, and then I have been surrounded by badass chicks and I turn into a fireball of love.
I love the earth. Engaging with nature in all of its sacred forms gives me agency. I think that I am a hippie some times, but I realize I just have a lot of respect for the planet I live on because well, duh, I live on it!
Mentioning respect, when I do not have much inspiration I think about the things I value and why I value them. It is very easy for me to borrow energy because I know I put it back into what I do in every way. Creative inspiration is something I may have rarely found a few years ago but have no trouble accessing now because I realize there is so much to love and appreciate :)