I would like to say I'm semi-disturbed by my "friend's pics" when I log on. Some are so heinous I don't believe it should ever be photographed. Go read a book or something, stop being so nasty.
This weekend was fun. Friday night I went out with Adam and Amber to our usual spot. We had a few drinks, ran into some friends and laughed. We came back to my apartment, danced, talked, and then went to our separate corners of the world where we would become someone's lover for the night. It was a nice ending to the week.
EXCEPT I HAD TO WORK SATURDAY!!! Oh god it almost destroyed me. I hate working Saturdays. I came home after work and watch MIB II with Adam. I can't believe I sat through the whole thing, but I did! We went out for a few drinks. Adam got his mack on so I went and found the jukebox. Talking Heads, The Gap Band, Young Jeezy, and The Who ensued. I danced, sang, drank... then I was ready to go home.
I got a phone call on the way home, and I went over to a friends house. We watched Clerks II and some Futurama. I had a lot of fun, he seems like he's going to be an adventure. We'll see how this all goes.
My ex has been texting me. It's all so surreal I don't even know what to think about it. Nothing sexy, just funny things. I want to say it means nothing, but I know somewhere inside my girl emotions are boiling over it. I have no clue how I feel about anything anymore. I feel like all my emotions were put into a box and locked away. I'm scared to see what happens when that box opens. Yikes.
This weekend was fun. Friday night I went out with Adam and Amber to our usual spot. We had a few drinks, ran into some friends and laughed. We came back to my apartment, danced, talked, and then went to our separate corners of the world where we would become someone's lover for the night. It was a nice ending to the week.
EXCEPT I HAD TO WORK SATURDAY!!! Oh god it almost destroyed me. I hate working Saturdays. I came home after work and watch MIB II with Adam. I can't believe I sat through the whole thing, but I did! We went out for a few drinks. Adam got his mack on so I went and found the jukebox. Talking Heads, The Gap Band, Young Jeezy, and The Who ensued. I danced, sang, drank... then I was ready to go home.
I got a phone call on the way home, and I went over to a friends house. We watched Clerks II and some Futurama. I had a lot of fun, he seems like he's going to be an adventure. We'll see how this all goes.
My ex has been texting me. It's all so surreal I don't even know what to think about it. Nothing sexy, just funny things. I want to say it means nothing, but I know somewhere inside my girl emotions are boiling over it. I have no clue how I feel about anything anymore. I feel like all my emotions were put into a box and locked away. I'm scared to see what happens when that box opens. Yikes.

it pleases me to know that you have finally come over to the dark side.....i knew you couldnt resist me for too long
there you go again....bringing that high school crush out of me.....and its okay to be a drunkard sometimes....we'll have to kick back a few some time in the near future but not too near b/c i think i have the flu.....and i cant get someone to work for me until 1.....then i have to drive to north carolina to visit my sister whom i haven't seen in over a year....hopefully i will feel better soon....dont drink too much this weekend....but if you do feel free to drunk dial me im sure i'll be bored after the kids go to sleep