I have had a good weekend so far. Friday night I went out for a few drinks with one sweet loving gal. We sat in the warm car and danced to songs like You Dropped The Bomb On Me. I came home early and a little bummed. I was hoping for some glorious night out and it did not happen. I sat in my room and talked on the phone with some menz. I love it that the guys in my life will call and bitch as much as I do. I love the cool people in my life. Even though I didn't get to go out, I did get to have some great convo with lovely folk. I took the longest hottest shower of my life and went straight to bed. I love getting in a warm bed straight out of the shower with wet hair and falling asleep.
I slept forever! I woke up around 2pm. Amber called and she came over. We went out to Applebee's for drinks. Our waiter was a crazy. He was telling us how his GF left with his son and took everything they owned. He spent the last week in his bed watching sad movies and crying. We were very uncomfortable with all of this. He also said we were babies, being 22, deciding this at his wise old age of 25. And if we were such babies, why was he asking for our advice on what he should do? It was weird. I'm glad Mr. Margarita was there to keep me sane. We also went to Ross to be spandex-ready for our trip to the Casino soon!!! I can't wait for that. We are going to dress as trashy as possible, blue eye shadow and spandex. Maybe even Virginia Slims.
Later that night I went to C's house and we were going to cook dinner. It took us like 3 hours to prepare all of this. It was almost 11 before we ate. I must say it was delicious!! Chicken in marsala sauce with stir fry vegetables. It sounds like an odd match, but it was actually very good. Watched some weird independent film that was crappy with no plot. This made me sleepy. I woke up this morning to rain and laid in the bed until 3. I am such a lazy bitch. Now I'm home, it's cold, and I'm hungry.
I want to buy curtains for my living room as well. I wish the rain would go away so I would feel motivated to go do that. I just want to continue to lay around. I love days like today, if only I had a great book to curl up with. I've read everything I own atleast 10 times. I need to buy books too, I guess. Any suggestions??
Tomorrow I am in hopes of a massage. I should have called last week, but I'm going to cross my fingers and just try for it. I am rambling. I love it. Thank you all.
I slept forever! I woke up around 2pm. Amber called and she came over. We went out to Applebee's for drinks. Our waiter was a crazy. He was telling us how his GF left with his son and took everything they owned. He spent the last week in his bed watching sad movies and crying. We were very uncomfortable with all of this. He also said we were babies, being 22, deciding this at his wise old age of 25. And if we were such babies, why was he asking for our advice on what he should do? It was weird. I'm glad Mr. Margarita was there to keep me sane. We also went to Ross to be spandex-ready for our trip to the Casino soon!!! I can't wait for that. We are going to dress as trashy as possible, blue eye shadow and spandex. Maybe even Virginia Slims.
Later that night I went to C's house and we were going to cook dinner. It took us like 3 hours to prepare all of this. It was almost 11 before we ate. I must say it was delicious!! Chicken in marsala sauce with stir fry vegetables. It sounds like an odd match, but it was actually very good. Watched some weird independent film that was crappy with no plot. This made me sleepy. I woke up this morning to rain and laid in the bed until 3. I am such a lazy bitch. Now I'm home, it's cold, and I'm hungry.
I want to buy curtains for my living room as well. I wish the rain would go away so I would feel motivated to go do that. I just want to continue to lay around. I love days like today, if only I had a great book to curl up with. I've read everything I own atleast 10 times. I need to buy books too, I guess. Any suggestions??
Tomorrow I am in hopes of a massage. I should have called last week, but I'm going to cross my fingers and just try for it. I am rambling. I love it. Thank you all.