Yo, yo, yo!!! Merry Christmas to all. What a great crazy filled year it has been.
This weekend has made all things okay in my book. We had a party last night and I must say, I am the master at hosting parties. I went to the dollar store to look for a cheesy Christmas sweater and ended up finding GLOW STICKS on sale six for a dollar. I greeted everyone at the door with my charm and glow sticks. Between moonshine, car bombs, and captain morgan, I was a very happy little girl.
It's really funny because so many hormones were pumping at this party, I think everyone gave everyone a little sexy attention. I gave my roommate two huge hickies and I think he might have liked it a little too much. Also, a great friend of mine from high school came to the party and we had a blast, it's like we picked up right where we left off. We all wore ugly Christmas sweaters, I had the tree lit up. I think there were pictures taken, if I get my hands on any, I will post them.
I am moving up on the trendy scale as of today I am the owner of an Ipod. I never thought I would actually get one, because I refused to pay for one. My mom being the savvy lady she is gifted me with this little treasure. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I can't imagine how people felt when transferring from records to 8-tracks to tapes to CD's and now this new contraption that makes your music physically intangible. I'm a little nervous honestly. I'm very scared to find out about tomorrow, my dad has not said a word about Christmas to me. I don't know if he forgot, or he got me something without talking about it. My dad isn't the best gift giver ever.... I think some times he confuses me with a son he wanted. Tomorrow I will end up with nothing, cash, or something like a knife/gun. If it is a knife or gun, pictures will also be posted. Speaking of, my camera should be returned soon and that's when the party really starts!!!!
Today one of the biggest reliefs came when a friend called me that I haven't spoken to since I moved from MD. It was nice to hear from him finally. I hate it when people lose touch and you're not really sure what is going on. He's someone I love very much and I'm greatly satisfied the dick finally called.
I have also realized I have more feelings about situations than I thought. I think I'm really starting to open up and let down my gaurd. It's very scary because I see myself getting concerned about things I use to say weren't important. I don't think it's unhealthy things, it's probably that I'm actually growing some sensitivity towards people in a good way.
This year has zoomed by. I don't know if I accomplished any resolutions from last year, I don't even remember what they were. I do know I am very happy with what I did with my year. I feel like I've taken a giant step forward into the right direction. I can only hope for even a smidgen of that in 2007.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year!!!
This weekend has made all things okay in my book. We had a party last night and I must say, I am the master at hosting parties. I went to the dollar store to look for a cheesy Christmas sweater and ended up finding GLOW STICKS on sale six for a dollar. I greeted everyone at the door with my charm and glow sticks. Between moonshine, car bombs, and captain morgan, I was a very happy little girl.
It's really funny because so many hormones were pumping at this party, I think everyone gave everyone a little sexy attention. I gave my roommate two huge hickies and I think he might have liked it a little too much. Also, a great friend of mine from high school came to the party and we had a blast, it's like we picked up right where we left off. We all wore ugly Christmas sweaters, I had the tree lit up. I think there were pictures taken, if I get my hands on any, I will post them.
I am moving up on the trendy scale as of today I am the owner of an Ipod. I never thought I would actually get one, because I refused to pay for one. My mom being the savvy lady she is gifted me with this little treasure. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I can't imagine how people felt when transferring from records to 8-tracks to tapes to CD's and now this new contraption that makes your music physically intangible. I'm a little nervous honestly. I'm very scared to find out about tomorrow, my dad has not said a word about Christmas to me. I don't know if he forgot, or he got me something without talking about it. My dad isn't the best gift giver ever.... I think some times he confuses me with a son he wanted. Tomorrow I will end up with nothing, cash, or something like a knife/gun. If it is a knife or gun, pictures will also be posted. Speaking of, my camera should be returned soon and that's when the party really starts!!!!
Today one of the biggest reliefs came when a friend called me that I haven't spoken to since I moved from MD. It was nice to hear from him finally. I hate it when people lose touch and you're not really sure what is going on. He's someone I love very much and I'm greatly satisfied the dick finally called.
I have also realized I have more feelings about situations than I thought. I think I'm really starting to open up and let down my gaurd. It's very scary because I see myself getting concerned about things I use to say weren't important. I don't think it's unhealthy things, it's probably that I'm actually growing some sensitivity towards people in a good way.
This year has zoomed by. I don't know if I accomplished any resolutions from last year, I don't even remember what they were. I do know I am very happy with what I did with my year. I feel like I've taken a giant step forward into the right direction. I can only hope for even a smidgen of that in 2007.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year!!!
I was teasing you about your feelings, but it's good that you're letting your guard down for once. Maybe that ice cold heart of blackness is starting to melt a bit?
I'll call you when I get down there. If you have nothing to do, maybe you can show me the site. (notice it's site....as in singular)
Marry Crismass