So it's been a long ass time since I've gotten to spend any significant time on here... phew... and this will be short cause I'm tired but.... THANK GOD FOR MAGIC ERRASERS... I'm moving out of the city and becoming a subburbanite again... I know boo hisss... but thats what a girls gotta do right now. I've actually been living out in the burbs but...
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I'm tired of being the one that knows my limit knows when to quit and doesn't become the worlds biggest bitch when I drink.. I'm not your shaperone and you are not my mother.... ugh I need to find real friends.... or get out of the city... any applicants?
Yeeeeey, yeeeeeey, I'm your friend! Yeeeeeey!

Hope things are going well for you hun. Hope to hangout soon! Besos!
Hope things are going well for you hun. Hope to hangout soon! Besos!

I've experienced an emotional rollercoaster, this week, of proportions I don't think and I pray I shall never have to rival. I have much news to share with you all and I apologize in advance for the lack of informing and sharing some of the news with most of you personally. I ask that you please pardon this as I am simply drained from this...
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I feel like something in me is missing. A door mat of sorts, but then again I've always felt like that or some part of me has. I need motivation. Random and vage I know...... thats all for now.... I have to clean and be up early... gwah
Hmmm....welcome to our life down here in Normal =/ Hence why all we are doing down here is going to class 4 times a week and playing video games out the ass. The weather dosent help much but Spring is just around the corner and the warmer temps and nice sun will motivate even the dead. Take care!

I feel pretty, Ohh sooo pretty! Whats new?

So I was veggin' on the internet today. Playing profile stalker... er not realy, just seening what people are up to these days. Man it's sad that thats what it's come to, but thats an intirely different blog. So I saw a picture of a tatoo that one of my friends from highschool got... it made me cry, we lost some friends in highschool and...
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Hope you are feeling better, you need to come down and visit us more often. Take care!

Work is becoming more and more repetitive, same thing week after week... butcha gotta do what you gotta do right? I FINALLY will be getting benifits after all this time of busting my ass for them. I got the paper work in the mail today but I just don't have the umph or the motivation to go through it right now.
I'm tired I didn't...
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I'm tired I didn't...
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In progress...
i'm going to revolution tattoo, it's on western, b/t armitage and fullerton. The guy there did ink on my bro and it turned out well, and he's fair about prices... my ankles i got done out of state, and my first tat was at Jade Dragon which was a TOTAL rip off price wise, so don't go there... mmm.. i've also heard good things about tattoo factory, but i haven't been there myself.
i've heard good about cherry bomb as well (but also haven't been there)
In progress