i had a feeling i was going to get a call from the staffing agency i am with today. i just knew it! thing is i didnt know when. i got up to take a shower and what do you know....the damn people call me while im in the shower. i called back maybe 10 min later and the job was already placed! dont tell me to call back if your going to call someone right after and give the job to them. what ever! they are still going to call me for other jobs but damn! i was in the shower...my phone is not water proof. so frustrating. i dont know how this is going to work since i still have physical therapy every week. the jobs i am eligable for are 9-5 types and on the other side of town so i wont have time to go to pt since they are open 8-6 mon- fri and i have to use the hour before work for drive time and the hour after. not to mention rush hour here is hell. grrr. im so upset with all of these things...this accident had messed everything up. i feel so unable to control anything im my life right now.
its ok babe, it will all work out somehow, youll be not limping around in no time haha