pretty sure i found where im gonna move to. its awesome!!! its mostly college students so that means no kids!!! woot woot! if all goes to plan i will be moved in no later than the first week of sept!!

things are looking like they are working out...looks can be deceiving, so im not going to get too excited til it all comes together.

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so i get a phone call from the HR lady from my new job today at 4:30. "Hey I just wanted to remind you to be here at 8am on the 3rd floor, dress business casual. Also, about your drug test..."
apparently, you can fail a drug test if you take fioricet, something i happen to be on. i get this phone call at 4:30...
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Sorry to hear about the madness. You will, however, be pleased to know that my dreams were free of Erasure and half naked Unicorn dudes.
Do your worst! biggrin
turning inside out...i feel like turning inside out! all thats inside would be out.

today was my last day at the motorcycle shop. i start my job at the dr office this week. quite a change but im excited. this is a great opportunity, a good start in the right direction for my career choice. i am going to miss my regulars and talking bikes...
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Talk about things you can't unsee 0_o
If I have dreams about Unicorns with Erasure playing in the background, you will be the first person I complain to lol
i love when i get a phone call from me mum, " get up and come see these shoes! they are so you and i need you to have these shoes!"
i love shoes! my wonderful fellow shoe connoisseur mother had me come up to the store so she could spend money on me. i love it when that happens! ha! i got 2 awesome...
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looking forward to october.
one reason, going to try to be moved to the new place before halloween so we can have an awesome halloween party! my favorite holiday =] i have to start thinking about what im going to be this year...was jessica from true blood last year. that was fun. having fangs makes you want to bite alot.
i wanna be something fun...
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being in conflict with yourself, ive come to find, is worse in most cases than being in conflict with another. the push and pull within ones mind, emotions, spiritually or otherwise, is so taxing. some situations are more stressful than others but having both sides to a situation be something you want/should do for differing reasons, both equally good/legitimate/reasonable...its much easier to be on one...
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Hope you figure it out. I would usually talk to someone to help me figure it out.
I love it when you just type a long entry and the internet fucks up and clears it all out...i love that. >=/

Basically...my trip to ATL for the Perfect Circle show was perfection. The show was killer and I almost had a heart attack from being so excited. The set was amazing. It was worth being poured on by hurricane fat painful rain and...
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i guess in relation to the show, being it was the highlight of my week. the rest was some ranting about dressing like a pirate to go out to the bar, some bad/funny pick up lines from the week, etc...just random things.
small random things are fun biggrin
very nice
All things Maynard are, in fact, amazing. smile
turning point? maybe. speaking too soon, well lets just not do that.
a new adventure? all i can ask for.
change of scenery? on the horizon, though some what distant, still closer than before.
different sense of freedom? i hope.

coping with my intense need of instant gratification and answers...that is the challenge.

hope im not so insane bc of the wait by the time...
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waking up in such excruciating pain this morning was not how i wanted to start my day. my back was hurting so bad every time i took a breath i wanted to throw up. really? a little frustrating.
i was hoping to get a little more done today than i did. turns out the work i needed to get done was a little more involved...
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Feel better
feeling...progressive....slightly productive.
and for the moment....all smiles.

ive got your number...
now was that so damn hard....??!

life is one big learning experience. lately, there has been a lot more learning crammed in there than usual. not sure how much more learning i can take before i implode. its time to add in there some life changes. only positive, good, not an ounce of negative, life changes. i stress the POSITIVE part of the thought...
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at tabernacle...close to you?!
It is to me.