Urgh. If I ever meet Karl Marx I'm going to punch him in the face. I love what he says but he could have made it a wee bit easier to revise. Four definitions of commodity value? Who needs 'em? I have an exam on Thursday for it. Three hours of Marx-y essay writing. I could probably muster about three sentences. Sure, I could have actually gone to my seminars and worked all year but...
Yeah, okay, it's entirely my fault.
Ah well. We'll see how it goes. Worst comes to worse I'll just have to retake the module. Oh God, that would be hell. Okay. Back to revision for me.
Hope everyone is doing well
Yeah, okay, it's entirely my fault.
Ah well. We'll see how it goes. Worst comes to worse I'll just have to retake the module. Oh God, that would be hell. Okay. Back to revision for me.
Hope everyone is doing well