I shot a branding! Woot! A friend of mine got a branding for her birthday and asked me to shoot it. It was done in a simple ceremony with all her friends watching on in a beautiful dungeon here in San Francisco. Champagne and cheese reception to follow of course!
The light barer was standing directly behind the brander in this shot so I caught a lot of flare - but I also caught a lot of the smoke. Pretty sweet!
My birthday is coming up and it makes me realize I need to get on with getting my tattoo and quit playing with the design in my head. Uhg! How to choose! How did you choose your first tattoo?
The light barer was standing directly behind the brander in this shot so I caught a lot of flare - but I also caught a lot of the smoke. Pretty sweet!

My birthday is coming up and it makes me realize I need to get on with getting my tattoo and quit playing with the design in my head. Uhg! How to choose! How did you choose your first tattoo?
yeah I imagine you are a little vegas'd out...
yeah! i'm very excited...i went home and covered my dresser in dirt and dead plant matter. thank you for making me look pretty!