I wish I could take you into my arms
away from it all , to keep you away from harm
to kiss you tenderly and whisper a thousand i love you's
to spending every moment dedicated to making you happy all of my life through
give me just another chance to make things right
i promise i will never hurt you and will never leave your sight
to love again, feel again ,to breathe again
i fold you in half and throw you away
well despite feeling shitty the weather is beautiful so I may as well enjoy it while it lasts.......see you all later
away from it all , to keep you away from harm
to kiss you tenderly and whisper a thousand i love you's
to spending every moment dedicated to making you happy all of my life through
give me just another chance to make things right
i promise i will never hurt you and will never leave your sight
to love again, feel again ,to breathe again
i fold you in half and throw you away
well despite feeling shitty the weather is beautiful so I may as well enjoy it while it lasts.......see you all later

Ur so sweet.....be my pet
thank you.