AHH....................Here goes..........
Last night my friend Jessica and I went to eat at Olive Garden. Which of course was wonderful just like always. Haha her friend ( i am aquanited with her also) told Jess that she was a stripper and that we should go visit her. So we thought why not! Jess had never gone to a strip club until now. Her poor eyes!!!!!!!!!!
We got to see *Angel* dance. She is still a beginner and I am not the one to judge but she did ok. She was a little nervous. Yeah I would be too if my friends came to see me. So to help her out i give her some dollars! haha lol.............
my face as bright as a tomato, and me of course snorting from laughing soo hard! After that I was tired and so we drove home...................... guess what happens next???????
Yea you guessed it I got pulled over. I would have gotten away with it. If it wasn't a sherriff. Sniff
This is my first speeding ticket! I cried and I cried. I thought God was punishing me for going to a titty bar. He said I was going 68 in a 55 mph zone. I told him I thought I was going 60...arrrgggggg
back to where I started I guess.
sigh........... 95 dollars that I have to pay! $ that I don't have . Jessica was so sweet trying to cheer me up and make me laugh. She was like show him your boobs! haha nooo way.. don't want to go to jail.
so now of course I am terrified to drive anywhere. Nobody in my family has gotten a speeding ticket until now. Guess what I am not going to tell them either. They would kill me.
life was good for a second......who am I kidding eventually things will look up right?
On the brighter side of life the weather is beautiful and beginning to warm up. Of course stuck inside a confined area or what I like to say hell hole or work.
well everyone hope you all have a good weekend
wish me luck !
Last night my friend Jessica and I went to eat at Olive Garden. Which of course was wonderful just like always. Haha her friend ( i am aquanited with her also) told Jess that she was a stripper and that we should go visit her. So we thought why not! Jess had never gone to a strip club until now. Her poor eyes!!!!!!!!!!

Yea you guessed it I got pulled over. I would have gotten away with it. If it wasn't a sherriff. Sniff

On the brighter side of life the weather is beautiful and beginning to warm up. Of course stuck inside a confined area or what I like to say hell hole or work.
well everyone hope you all have a good weekend
wish me luck !

Nobody in my family knows about the two underage drinking charges from this summer. And they never, ever will.....
P.S. I know some b-days coming up