Ok kiddies.............. Update time.... So you all know that my week was ah pretty shitty.. Friday was also shitty...... Car problems and I had to call my ex he arrived with his new girlfriend...........arrrrrrg....... i know he is doing it just to piss me off..... Well last night mistertaurus and I went to Tiffin to see all of these bands play. It turned out to be an awesome night. Got some signatures, took some pics with the members, and got to do some talking.... Fell in love with one of the lead singers, oh and the drummer too!
We also got some free stuff and one of their cds...... Poor logan there wasn't any gay emo guys there....... Good for me bad for him! Oh and today the sun is shining and its beautiful day...
This weekend I took some time to do some reflection on how my life has been going. I bought the book He's Just Not That Into you. The creators of Sex in the city wrote it... I can't put that book down. I am almost done reading it. Now is the time for me to focus on me for once..... I have always lived my life for other people. I try my best to make everyone happy... When I wasn't happy..... It feels like I have had a break through.... Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom until he can get back up again.... This week I felt like i wanted to die.... Its amazing how life can change in an instant... I don't want to depressed anymore, cry anymore, or be angry anymore... I don't need a man to make me happy right now, although if mr right did come along..... the possibilities can change of course.. But for now I am who I am and I am going to live a healthy life...
Logan I am going to miss you this week, best wishes and good luck sweetie..........You will be an awesome flight attendant! Remember to fly me away to Hawaii!
Hopefully everyone has had a good weekend! Hopefully we can all meet each other one day! much love to you all!

This weekend I took some time to do some reflection on how my life has been going. I bought the book He's Just Not That Into you. The creators of Sex in the city wrote it... I can't put that book down. I am almost done reading it. Now is the time for me to focus on me for once..... I have always lived my life for other people. I try my best to make everyone happy... When I wasn't happy..... It feels like I have had a break through.... Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom until he can get back up again.... This week I felt like i wanted to die.... Its amazing how life can change in an instant... I don't want to depressed anymore, cry anymore, or be angry anymore... I don't need a man to make me happy right now, although if mr right did come along..... the possibilities can change of course.. But for now I am who I am and I am going to live a healthy life...

Logan I am going to miss you this week, best wishes and good luck sweetie..........You will be an awesome flight attendant! Remember to fly me away to Hawaii!

Hopefully everyone has had a good weekend! Hopefully we can all meet each other one day! much love to you all!

that sucks. i'm sorry, but it sounds like you are doing better and that is wonderful.

Thank you!!! I'm coming home soon!!