Hello all!
Got to move some of my stuff into my apartment. Although I must tell you guys a scary true story. Monday night I was installing my tv. I was just sitting there all by my lonesome little self. When I heard the door shut. I thought it was closer to me than what i had thought. I figured it was my neighbors. I just wasn't use to the noise yet. I continued to watch tv and then i decided I was a little hungry. I walk into my kitchen and my door was half way open! I know I had locked my door and it was shut tightly.
This happened at around 11ish at night... I was soo scared and freaked out... I immediately called my friends crying hysterically. What just happened? Ahh soo either my door is f*cked up , or I have a ghost. I told my landlord lady what had happened and she suggested that I get a second bolt for the door. That gave me some reasurrance. I must say I am still afraid. Doesn't help when ur scared of the dark or all alone. Anyone want to volunteer to live with me? I have got a baseball bat, but I could use some company.
I wanted to call my ex since he was my protector for 5 years, but than I figured he thought i was a dimsel in distress.. Besides this is what he wanted it to be. Me by myself,, all alone. Well mister u got ur f*ing wish!
Well on a happier not em and I inspected my place and found nothing missing or anyone inside. Em, Nate, and Mistertaurus (logan) all stayed the night with me! So that made me feel alot better
Haha one more thing to complain about I promise. I love snow, but I hate driving in it, and being cold. I like to look at it sitting by a fireplace holding that special someone.
When is this weather going to go away?!!!
I am ready for flip flops! Well I am taking applications for anyone who wants to be my roomate or beau? lol j\k.......... ahhh what is a girl to do!
hope u all have a great day! luv ya
Got to move some of my stuff into my apartment. Although I must tell you guys a scary true story. Monday night I was installing my tv. I was just sitting there all by my lonesome little self. When I heard the door shut. I thought it was closer to me than what i had thought. I figured it was my neighbors. I just wasn't use to the noise yet. I continued to watch tv and then i decided I was a little hungry. I walk into my kitchen and my door was half way open! I know I had locked my door and it was shut tightly.

Well on a happier not em and I inspected my place and found nothing missing or anyone inside. Em, Nate, and Mistertaurus (logan) all stayed the night with me! So that made me feel alot better

hope u all have a great day! luv ya

I hope you're doin well and the door situation gets worked out. I'm off to study