Haha I am glad u all like the pic! Like I said that one was for practice. More to come for sure! My hair is naturally curly , but its straight in this pic. So perhaps the next one my hair will be curly. I just don't like it that way cuz its all wild and big, but alot of people like it. I guess u can say its rough looking like the whole bed head thing. lol..... Anyway! I saw Under the Tuscan Sun last night with my friend lolo or mistertaurus...the pic was taken in his room! If you haven't seen that movie u should. Beautiful! Diane Lane amazing in that movie just like in unfaithful.
I want to move to Italy sooo bad now!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait until I go for vacation! Whenever that will be. Tomorrow is the big day! My apartment will be offically mine. I wish you all could come visit! well hope everyone has an awesome day! with love

bleh, must be my computer.
Salvador sounds lovely.