Good day everyone. Hope all is well. I still haven't fully recooperated yet. Slowly but surely I guess. I wish their was more to do here in town. I need more time off so I can go explore the world! My ex still hasn't talked to me. My car broke down again last night.Luckily it was at a gas station. It was near my ex's house. So yes I did call him... Me being desperate..Come on I needed jumper cables and for some weird reason mine weren't in my car. He wasn't home so I gave up then he calls me back! I didn't know he did. So I guess he does still care about me a little. Ahh......I just want a man who will treat me right with respect and dedication.
I want to be someones everything. I still love him and always will but I want him in my life. Ok sorry for rambling on.... On a better note I am getting my apartment in 3 weeks!
Counting down the days. Its about damn I am going for a Bohemian theme.
I can't wait for my little love nest...Maybe I will have something better to talk about tomorrow. talk you later

all designed already... these two were a recent addition as i liked them and seemed to fit the area nicely
I'm sure you'll meet someone who will treat respect and dedication, probably when you least expect it.