Well, my weekend was a bit dull. A bunch of my friends went to NYC for three days and stayed in a hotel there partying, shopping, visiting friends and whatnot. I couldn't afford to go
I was tempted to go to Boston and visit the lovely Isobela, but I needed to work and save my money! I did all the things that one does when they have no playmates on the weekend, mostly sniffling around town running errands! I went to my favorite antique store and, as a reward for staying in Providence bought myself this awesome purse!
This pic doesn't do it justice! I had to refrain from buying yet another old camera that takes discontinued film/doesn't work.
While I'm sharing girly things, look at this awesome gift I got from a friend!
It's face powder, but I haven't the heart to use it. I got the most rediculously girly gifts this year.
Here's what I've been up to in studio!
Rubber molds and sugar skulls
I LOVE MY MOLD MAKING CLASS! It is full of friendly helpful geeks!
Hope you have enjoyed the ultra girly and frivolous nature of this entry, as well as the high picture:word ratio. I am off to make more mice, perhaps even one that lights up
Whoa, two new SGs in two days both wearing the same hustler lingerie. Hmmmm...
PS iTunes id evil! They are stealing what little money I have. I'm addicted. Every time I have a song in my head I feel the need to go download it. Any good free download sites for Macs??? Please Help!
PPS While I'm warning you of the evils of the world, I should tell you:
-fiber glass is evil. Small shards of glass will get stuck in your skin and make you feel as though you are bing cut every time your skin rubs up against anything. I was wearing gloves, but still got it on my skin anyway and can't seem to get it off.
Also, never get spray shellack in an open cut. It stings more than any sting I have ever felt!

This pic doesn't do it justice! I had to refrain from buying yet another old camera that takes discontinued film/doesn't work.
While I'm sharing girly things, look at this awesome gift I got from a friend!

It's face powder, but I haven't the heart to use it. I got the most rediculously girly gifts this year.
Here's what I've been up to in studio!

Rubber molds and sugar skulls

I LOVE MY MOLD MAKING CLASS! It is full of friendly helpful geeks!
Hope you have enjoyed the ultra girly and frivolous nature of this entry, as well as the high picture:word ratio. I am off to make more mice, perhaps even one that lights up

Whoa, two new SGs in two days both wearing the same hustler lingerie. Hmmmm...
PS iTunes id evil! They are stealing what little money I have. I'm addicted. Every time I have a song in my head I feel the need to go download it. Any good free download sites for Macs??? Please Help!
PPS While I'm warning you of the evils of the world, I should tell you:
-fiber glass is evil. Small shards of glass will get stuck in your skin and make you feel as though you are bing cut every time your skin rubs up against anything. I was wearing gloves, but still got it on my skin anyway and can't seem to get it off.
Also, never get spray shellack in an open cut. It stings more than any sting I have ever felt!
it was about 65 here this week
i had the windows down
and a t-shirt on
Friday i gotta dress up though
cause i have an interview for a PR job at the New Orleans Museum of Art
which will be sweet
no doubt
what should i do to impress the arty types