Hey SG,
I am currently in the frozen north, north of Providence that is, watching the Colbert Report with my entire family. The only things that could make this more awesome are, more beer and a fire... and a bear skin rug for me to lounge on while drinking aforementioned booze in front of said fire. I can't have it all I guess.
I taught my first drawing class at the high school yesterday. It was bitchin'. We wrote about funny moments in our lives and illustrated them comic book style. I've been teaching sixth graders every Monday for the past 3 months. Things are kind of crazy. I'm not even sure how the hell I'm going to finish all of the work I have due over the next two weeks. I've also realized that I don't want to be a classroom teacher. I've started looking for jobs with philanthropic organizations like One Laptop Per Child, which is pretty much my dream job.
I've been taking a ceramics class at a place called The Steelyard for a few months now.

I kind of like it better unglazed. Either way, I'm pretty happy with it considering it was my first piece in clay since high school.
Anyway, here's some of what I've been up to since I last posted.
RISD graduate open studios. I can barely wrap my head around the awesomeness captured by this photo. I may or may not have been the first one to drunkenly accost the pink pony.

Going to all the graduate shows has really made me wish that I was getting a Masters in fine art, rather than a masters in teaching. I've always done what's practical instead of doing what's really going to make me happy. I realize I am incredibly lucky to be where I am. I just wish I could make art instead of writing papers and curriculum maps. I feel like I'm never going to reach my potential as an artist because I've always focused on career development.
On Sunday a good friend came down so I could take her photo. A novel she wrote is being published and she wanted me to take the photo for inside of the book jacket. We shot all over the RISD campus, including the nature lab. The Nature lab is full of all kinds of crazy specimens of both living and stuffed animals for life drawing.

It's the 80th birthday of the nature lab, so all the animals were wearing hats
Happy holidays fools!
I am currently in the frozen north, north of Providence that is, watching the Colbert Report with my entire family. The only things that could make this more awesome are, more beer and a fire... and a bear skin rug for me to lounge on while drinking aforementioned booze in front of said fire. I can't have it all I guess.
I taught my first drawing class at the high school yesterday. It was bitchin'. We wrote about funny moments in our lives and illustrated them comic book style. I've been teaching sixth graders every Monday for the past 3 months. Things are kind of crazy. I'm not even sure how the hell I'm going to finish all of the work I have due over the next two weeks. I've also realized that I don't want to be a classroom teacher. I've started looking for jobs with philanthropic organizations like One Laptop Per Child, which is pretty much my dream job.
I've been taking a ceramics class at a place called The Steelyard for a few months now.

I kind of like it better unglazed. Either way, I'm pretty happy with it considering it was my first piece in clay since high school.
Anyway, here's some of what I've been up to since I last posted.
RISD graduate open studios. I can barely wrap my head around the awesomeness captured by this photo. I may or may not have been the first one to drunkenly accost the pink pony.

Going to all the graduate shows has really made me wish that I was getting a Masters in fine art, rather than a masters in teaching. I've always done what's practical instead of doing what's really going to make me happy. I realize I am incredibly lucky to be where I am. I just wish I could make art instead of writing papers and curriculum maps. I feel like I'm never going to reach my potential as an artist because I've always focused on career development.
On Sunday a good friend came down so I could take her photo. A novel she wrote is being published and she wanted me to take the photo for inside of the book jacket. We shot all over the RISD campus, including the nature lab. The Nature lab is full of all kinds of crazy specimens of both living and stuffed animals for life drawing.

It's the 80th birthday of the nature lab, so all the animals were wearing hats

Happy holidays fools!