This weekend was uneventful, yet lovely. Saw the Turbo ACs on Saturday. This is the second time Ive seen them play their hearts out in a nearly empty club. The show was great, but I think I must have been giving off major bitch vibes. No one even spoke to me. It was kind of awkward because the club was so empty.
A close friend came to visit me on Sunday. We went to a couple off antique stores. I managed to get out pretty cheap. I bought an 8mm film for my projector. Its an Abbot and Costello called Have Badge Will Chase I havent threaded it up yet. The anticipation is killing me. I also walked out with DEVOs New Traditionalists on vinyl. Mmm. Plastic pompadours, theyre even sexier then real onesat least when sported by members of DEVO.My loins quiver for DEVO. The sad thing is, I am actually salivating as a stare at the album cover. Art school does bad things to a woman.
My mother came to visit on Monday. I forgot how squishy and mom-like she is, but she needs to get un-squishy. Its bad for her health.
Its raining. Bah! I am still a happy little creep.
Oh yea! Im going soon and I want more testis! Lots of them. I am greedy. I dont care if you dont know me. Make stuff up.
A close friend came to visit me on Sunday. We went to a couple off antique stores. I managed to get out pretty cheap. I bought an 8mm film for my projector. Its an Abbot and Costello called Have Badge Will Chase I havent threaded it up yet. The anticipation is killing me. I also walked out with DEVOs New Traditionalists on vinyl. Mmm. Plastic pompadours, theyre even sexier then real onesat least when sported by members of DEVO.My loins quiver for DEVO. The sad thing is, I am actually salivating as a stare at the album cover. Art school does bad things to a woman.
My mother came to visit on Monday. I forgot how squishy and mom-like she is, but she needs to get un-squishy. Its bad for her health.
Its raining. Bah! I am still a happy little creep.

Oh yea! Im going soon and I want more testis! Lots of them. I am greedy. I dont care if you dont know me. Make stuff up.
Wow, I'm drunk from sleep deprivation.