Yea, so my 21st was just about everything you would expect it to be, other then the fact that I didnt get grossly drunk. I cant respect people who cant control themselves, emotionally or otherwise. Im not straight-edge, I just have a complex. Who knew?
I am always amazed by my friends. I mentioned this once before, but I accidentally did something hurtful to one of my friends. Things have been pretty normal between us, but I didnt see any reason for her to do something amazingly generous for me. So, when she gave me a silver necklace that she had been working on for over a month I was totally floored.
I havent slept in the same place two nights in a row since Wednesday. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I've been wearing the same pants since then too. heh. dirty. So, Im kind of burnt out and Im on lab shift #2 of the day.
Hope you all had a great fourth. I enjoyed mine, even though it started with a hangover. Too many damn tourists in Boston this weekend.
Oh, and the new pic was taken after I was dropped off at home all drunk and tired and by my lonesome the morning after my birthday.
Have a complex?
I am always amazed by my friends. I mentioned this once before, but I accidentally did something hurtful to one of my friends. Things have been pretty normal between us, but I didnt see any reason for her to do something amazingly generous for me. So, when she gave me a silver necklace that she had been working on for over a month I was totally floored.
I havent slept in the same place two nights in a row since Wednesday. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I've been wearing the same pants since then too. heh. dirty. So, Im kind of burnt out and Im on lab shift #2 of the day.
Hope you all had a great fourth. I enjoyed mine, even though it started with a hangover. Too many damn tourists in Boston this weekend.
Oh, and the new pic was taken after I was dropped off at home all drunk and tired and by my lonesome the morning after my birthday.
Have a complex?
Ha! Your Dads playin' the game all wrong then. Well, when your heading up, let me know. 

LOL, thank you again, you're very sweet
and it only gets obnoxious when people who look like they smoke crack and have eighteen cases of head lice try to touch her. and when people i don't like invite themselves over to see her. other than that, i feel like i could be a proud momma professionally...