Man, I have the attention span of a gnat. I frequently marvel at the fact that I manage to accomplish anything at all. I've been meaning to update this thing, but can't seem to sit still for more than five minutes at a time! T minus seven days until I leave for Nicaragua! The anticipation is driving me a bit nuts. Thankfully, the past few...
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Howdy y'all,
It's been a crazy few weeks. Graduation was a bit surreal. Less than a year ago I was sitting in a cubicle plotting my escape. As much as I can't believe how much I've accomplished in the past year, I also can't believe it's over. Somehow I managed to pull a 3.9 average. Not too shabby, eh?
Not too many people can say...
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It's been a crazy few weeks. Graduation was a bit surreal. Less than a year ago I was sitting in a cubicle plotting my escape. As much as I can't believe how much I've accomplished in the past year, I also can't believe it's over. Somehow I managed to pull a 3.9 average. Not too shabby, eh?
Not too many people can say...
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Trust me, it only gets better after that. Also, congrats.

Congrats and Happy Belated.

Congrats and Happy Belated.

Hey SG,
I am currently in the frozen north, north of Providence that is, watching the Colbert Report with my entire family. The only things that could make this more awesome are, more beer and a fire... and a bear skin rug for me to lounge on while drinking aforementioned booze in front of said fire. I can't have it all I guess.
I taught...
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I am currently in the frozen north, north of Providence that is, watching the Colbert Report with my entire family. The only things that could make this more awesome are, more beer and a fire... and a bear skin rug for me to lounge on while drinking aforementioned booze in front of said fire. I can't have it all I guess.
I taught...
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Happy you-know-what, hun! We have snow, snow, snow. Bit of a change from 100 fahreheit in Australia...


I spent my day doing ropes courses with troubled kids at a youth home. It was an awesome time. The kids totally blew me away and so did my classmates. I actually really love group problem solving activities. All of them required teamwork to complete and the kids were so communicative and helpful. There was really only one kid who simply refused to do anything....
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Still doing ropes courses or what? Or did you just fall off sg for a while, like me?
Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way! But we should really get working on it ...
I don't have anything online, otherwise I'd love to send you a link. I tend to like to facilitate the viewing of my stuff ... probably cause I'm a control freak
I don't have anything online, otherwise I'd love to send you a link. I tend to like to facilitate the viewing of my stuff ... probably cause I'm a control freak
Andrew W.K. parties 'till he pukes. Me? I cry until I puke. That's hardcore emo to you amateurs.
Man, I don't even know how to describe what just happened. I went home to store some boxes in my parent's garage. My Dad and I had an argument about my moving situation. Basically, I end up practically in tears and walk away from the conversation. I...
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Man, I don't even know how to describe what just happened. I went home to store some boxes in my parent's garage. My Dad and I had an argument about my moving situation. Basically, I end up practically in tears and walk away from the conversation. I...
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Edit: everyone is okay.
Glad to hear it!
Spent the long weekend in NYC. Had an amazing time. Saturday night we went to Dr. Sketchy's and drew the lovely Gal Friday as Hunter S. Thompson. Went to dinner in Little Italy and then hit up The Slipper room for more burlesque. My gay best friend was invited on stage by Miss Saturn. It was deliciously awkward. Apparently he's never undone a bra before...
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I think I want to make this vacation happen within the next 6-8 months.
A co-worker of mine went out to Boston and came back with tons of pictures...
A co-worker of mine went out to Boston and came back with tons of pictures...
where's your schedule?
Tomorrow morning I will be at RISD presenting my work. This means I made it through the first cut. I am going to rock the interview. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
When I started looking for schools I didn't even consider applying to RISD. "Been there. Done that." was my feeling on the matter. Dismayed that I was not finding programs that were...
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When I started looking for schools I didn't even consider applying to RISD. "Been there. Done that." was my feeling on the matter. Dismayed that I was not finding programs that were...
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Oof. I totally agree. I might be going back to Michigan this weekend to pick up a car, but I'll let you know. The weather needs to make up its mind!!
Hmmmm. I'm thinking Ebony and Ivory would be better. If the brother comes, you can always do Justin TImberlake's hit "This diarama is wicked retarded"
Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard...
To balance out the bad with some good
-I am painting a still from Edward Scissor hands... at 5 feet wide by 4 feet tall it's the biggest free standing painting I've ever done. I haven't painted in almost 5 years!
Some things/people I like:
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To balance out the bad with some good
-I am painting a still from Edward Scissor hands... at 5 feet wide by 4 feet tall it's the biggest free standing painting I've ever done. I haven't painted in almost 5 years!
Some things/people I like:
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I just saw Steve Buscemi in Miller's Crossing.
I only mention this because I read your Fantasy part.

I only mention this because I read your Fantasy part.
transfer all your SG energy
and Scissorhands pics
over to myspace -- (follow the white rabbit, alice.)
the subscription fee is better.
my art is just various, low-rent comic stuff.
although i am particularly found of the Dame Darcy, Jaime Hewlett, Gary Panter, Richard Sala and Bill Seinkiewicz pieces.
[Edited on Jan 28, 2006 8:28AM]
and Scissorhands pics
over to myspace -- (follow the white rabbit, alice.)
the subscription fee is better.
my art is just various, low-rent comic stuff.
although i am particularly found of the Dame Darcy, Jaime Hewlett, Gary Panter, Richard Sala and Bill Seinkiewicz pieces.
[Edited on Jan 28, 2006 8:28AM]
no, but i'd like to... is it in this month's issue?
it is so difficult to acquire original Japanese art. been trying for a while, but "outlook hazy".
anyway, in attempting to track down a dealer for Suehiro, i found this bio. maybe it mention all this in Juxtapoz, but i'm not at work right now, so i can't look it up. it makes me want to find out more...
Suehiro Maruo is a self-taught high school dropout and former shoplifter who began drawing comics at the age of eighteen. His first work, submitted to the weekly manga Shonen Jump, was promptly rejected. His dark style fantasy dreams didn't fit in the commercialized, mass-market magazines. It took five more years before he started drawing comics again, this time for Ero-manga. Besides trying to make a living out of his talents, it was also part of a quest for artistic freedom. Maruo draws nightmares. In the tradition of muzan-e (atrocity print) woodblock masters of the 19th century, he drew short stories of axe murders, abortion, rape and incest in as much graphic detail as the obscenity codes allowed.
anyway, in attempting to track down a dealer for Suehiro, i found this bio. maybe it mention all this in Juxtapoz, but i'm not at work right now, so i can't look it up. it makes me want to find out more...
Suehiro Maruo is a self-taught high school dropout and former shoplifter who began drawing comics at the age of eighteen. His first work, submitted to the weekly manga Shonen Jump, was promptly rejected. His dark style fantasy dreams didn't fit in the commercialized, mass-market magazines. It took five more years before he started drawing comics again, this time for Ero-manga. Besides trying to make a living out of his talents, it was also part of a quest for artistic freedom. Maruo draws nightmares. In the tradition of muzan-e (atrocity print) woodblock masters of the 19th century, he drew short stories of axe murders, abortion, rape and incest in as much graphic detail as the obscenity codes allowed.
My 6'5" Irish father swears that he will kill, or have me killed if I take my wife (his beloved daughter-in-law) and our kids across the country. That would put both of his children in Mass, as my brother has lived there since 1985. I get out there every two years, for two to three weeks. I was there in Sept/Oct this year, and I made the Boston tattoo convention.
Long and the short....I haven't found a good excuse to get my family there HOWEVER, I am to start Law school in January of '07, and you have to know that four Mass Universities are in the running
Hope that I didn't offend your mom
Long and the short....I haven't found a good excuse to get my family there HOWEVER, I am to start Law school in January of '07, and you have to know that four Mass Universities are in the running

Hope that I didn't offend your mom

I got the stolen bass back. The finish is kind of screwed up (wasn't a great finish to begin with) , so I'm looking at other alteratives for that as well.
I'm primarily thinking about ways to finish a new bass I want to build.
I'm primarily thinking about ways to finish a new bass I want to build.

Or thats my first impulse, at least