okay so listen im just gonna start typeing the first things that pop into my head as i go along,i did this once for a project back in high school"like 8 years ago"!my teacher thought i was insane and that i needed to see the guidance counsler,cuz i sporadically jumped from one subject to another as well as "sang"songs that popped in my head,"in writing ofcourse"!
So im gonna take a couple more sips of my Ice Cold Brewhaha......1 swig..............2 swigs..........3 swigs.........Damn that shit is good after a long day of work!
ice cold beer is the quikest way to my heart!i was serving beer all day today and they just looked so yummy in their frothy icey mugs,that i practicaly started drooling
my new job is ight peeps are kinda cool,i just basically go to make that money and go home !im surrounded by lesbians
dont get me wrong as much as i love females i just cant stand lesbian drama
im so syked that school starts up again next monday!i miss doing my classmates hair and gettin my hair did!
i miss my fave lesbian ber "cloud 9"i havent been there in like 3 monthes!ive just been so busy and plus me and my home girl have been going to Geronimos instead since its closer and we gets the hook up,plus my buddys from TRENDKILL hang out there!god do they look so cute in there trendkill shwag
did i ever tell you that i love my pussy!"cat that is"!her name is sprite!she has the same personality as me,and she looks so differant from all other cats
ahhh and the all the masterbating ive been doing lately jeese man my poor vibrater is on its last limb!!!and LillithVainhas ALOT to do with that!her last set was fucking amazing!
grrrrrr i so miss my dreads!!
i have this short lil lamo hair do waaaaaa,it just doenst say"missphilthy1"ya know its just not me!as soon as i start school im gonna have one of the black chicks in my class put weave dreads in my hair!they look real but not as nappy!...........................................
okay well i have a brain fart,im sure this is enough for all you stoners to read
drop me a line you sexy biatches!
So im gonna take a couple more sips of my Ice Cold Brewhaha......1 swig..............2 swigs..........3 swigs.........Damn that shit is good after a long day of work!
ice cold beer is the quikest way to my heart!i was serving beer all day today and they just looked so yummy in their frothy icey mugs,that i practicaly started drooling

my new job is ight peeps are kinda cool,i just basically go to make that money and go home !im surrounded by lesbians

im so syked that school starts up again next monday!i miss doing my classmates hair and gettin my hair did!
i miss my fave lesbian ber "cloud 9"i havent been there in like 3 monthes!ive just been so busy and plus me and my home girl have been going to Geronimos instead since its closer and we gets the hook up,plus my buddys from TRENDKILL hang out there!god do they look so cute in there trendkill shwag

did i ever tell you that i love my pussy!"cat that is"!her name is sprite!she has the same personality as me,and she looks so differant from all other cats

ahhh and the all the masterbating ive been doing lately jeese man my poor vibrater is on its last limb!!!and LillithVainhas ALOT to do with that!her last set was fucking amazing!

grrrrrr i so miss my dreads!!

okay well i have a brain fart,im sure this is enough for all you stoners to read

rock on girl!!!!!!!!.......CHEERS!

re:I'll save a peice of my ass just for you!!