well,well,well,i guess its time for an update!!!
lets see where do i begin?my birthday was pretty cool,didnt get any booty cuz i got a lil visit from aunt FLOW if ya know what i meen!!!me and some friends of mine went to this place called"Sofa Kings!"its a bar with sofa's everywhere,and chicks half naked dancing on poles and tables!its pretty cool i took a ton of jager bombs and stole a super cute shot glass from there that has a sofa on it!
i also ended cutting all my dreads off spur of the moment!!!!cuz my new job was complaining about them,cuz they were kinda getting nappy!so i cut them off now i have this bloody short hair cut that looks like hell!i fucking hate it!but in a couple weeks im haveing a chick in my cosmo class put weave dreads in that look real,and you take car of them the same way,but they dont get frizzy and nappy!so they will look cute.
well my christmas kinda sucked cuz i didnt get the one thing i asked for,a digital camera!
but since i have a new job and ill be making more money ill buy myself one!not to mention a new tattoo!!!!
by inkpushr
did i ever tell you guys i have the most gorgeous son in the world!!!!!!
!he got a jesse james hummer from west coast choppers,with a motorcycle!he is so lucky that boy!!!
not a real one of course but its fucking huge!he was so happy,he looked so amazed!my lil bugga boo!look in my pics to see him!when i get my film developed hopefully ill be able to put some more pics in my file!
ok folks ive gots to dip out i promosed my boy ill watch shrek 2 with him and eat pop corn ill be back soon!drop me a line yall!
lets see where do i begin?my birthday was pretty cool,didnt get any booty cuz i got a lil visit from aunt FLOW if ya know what i meen!!!me and some friends of mine went to this place called"Sofa Kings!"its a bar with sofa's everywhere,and chicks half naked dancing on poles and tables!its pretty cool i took a ton of jager bombs and stole a super cute shot glass from there that has a sofa on it!
i also ended cutting all my dreads off spur of the moment!!!!cuz my new job was complaining about them,cuz they were kinda getting nappy!so i cut them off now i have this bloody short hair cut that looks like hell!i fucking hate it!but in a couple weeks im haveing a chick in my cosmo class put weave dreads in that look real,and you take car of them the same way,but they dont get frizzy and nappy!so they will look cute.
well my christmas kinda sucked cuz i didnt get the one thing i asked for,a digital camera!

did i ever tell you guys i have the most gorgeous son in the world!!!!!!

not a real one of course but its fucking huge!he was so happy,he looked so amazed!my lil bugga boo!look in my pics to see him!when i get my film developed hopefully ill be able to put some more pics in my file!
ok folks ive gots to dip out i promosed my boy ill watch shrek 2 with him and eat pop corn ill be back soon!drop me a line yall!

I can't wait to see those pictures...and the ones of your new tattoo when you get them.